He was usually much more level-headed and practical than this. I couldn’t phantom what made him think that going against the Don’s wishes was a good idea — all for a stranger who didn’t even want to be here in the first place.
King’s phone started to ring, and he reached out to retrieve it from the table. “Excuse me for a moment,” he said as he stood up, before walking out to the patio.
Ace stretched out his arms with a yawn. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” He got up, as well. “And I’ll think aboutnotpunching Lorenzo in the face.” He winked at me. “See, I can listen.”
The girl watched as he walked away and curiously asked, “What was that about?”
I just shook my head in response. “Ace is being Ace, as usual.”
“Ahh…” she let out, knowingly. She must have learned what that meant by now.
Starting to feel a tad tired, I moved to get out of the armchair, but she stopped me before I could.
“What are you doing?”
“Going to bed?” I said, and the girl pursed her lips.
“And you’re going to leave me here all alone, by myself?”
Was this the night where everyone stated the obvious?
“Yes? Well, no. King is probably going to be back soon.”
“So keep me company until he does, then.”
I took a moment to look at her hopeful expression, before genuinely asking, “What is this?”
Her brows furrowed. “I’m sorry?”
“I mean, why are you always trying to talk to me?”
I had been meaning to ask her that for a while. She was always following me around.
Most days she’d join me in the kitchen and watch me cook. She’d sometimes talk about things of little or no importance, never getting discouraged by my one-syllable responses.
It was all very odd.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that she was actively seeking me out.
I couldn’t imagine that I was that good of a company. But then again, it wasn’t like she had anyone better to talk to. She might just be desperate.
The girl gave me a halfhearted shrug in response. “I like you. You are the only one who doesn’t want me here, and that honestly makes me like you more,” she admitted, but then her lips formed into a tiny pout.
“On the other hand, you’d probably like to see me dead, so…”
I refrained from rolling my eyes at the theatrical display in front of me.
It wasn’t like I actually wanted to see her dead… I would just prefer it if she lived somewhere else, preferably far away from us.
“And again, I ask, do you have an actual reason to talk to me now?”
“Fine, if you’re going to be so grumpy about it.” The girl let out a disapprovingtskbefore sinking back into the couch. “I just wanted to ask if you maybe have any drugs you could give me?”
“What?” I asked her to repeat herself, thinking that I hadn’t heard her correctly.
“Right, I’m sorry. Stupid question.” She flicked her forehead with her finger. “Of course, you do. You used them on me the first time I met you. Let me rephrase it —mayI have some drugs, please?”
“Why?” — was the real question. I was sure that she wasn’t a drug addict as she had been living here for quite a while now and hadn’t shown any obvious signs of withdrawal symptoms, but you never know.