Page 28 of Taming Dahlia

“I don’t want anything strong. Just something that might relax me for a while, you know,” she clarified, and that made more sense.

“And honestly,” the girl continued, letting out a dramatic breath. “I’m also kind of bored.”

Now that sounded dangerous. I knew firsthand what boredom did to people.

Sighing, I pushed myself back to my feet. “Let me check.”

It wasn’t too difficult to find something passable, and I soon returned with a little box that I was certain belonged to Ace.

She made grabby hands for it as soon as she saw me.

“You are awesome! Thank you.”

Her movements were swift and confident as she made a quick work of rolling the joint, and I just stood by the side, silently watching her.

“You know, it’s kind of ironic that you’re the one who deals in drugs since you’re the most tight-assed person around here.”

I leveled her a scowl. “Do you want me to take them back?”

She drew back as if scared that I’d genuinely follow through with the threat. “I said thank you, didn’t I?”

Despite my best efforts, I found it difficult to resist the urge to crack a smile.

She was a very charming individual. I became aware of that fact since the moment I met her. There was something about her that made you believe that she was innocent and harmless— however, the smoke and mirrors show was quick to disappear once you remembered that she almost succeeded in killing the Don, and actually killed three bodyguards in the process.

There was absolutely nothing about her that was eitherinnocentorharmless.

The girl lighted up the end of the joint and breathed in deeply, closing her eyes. “Oh, this is good.”

She took another drag, before offering it to me, but I shook my head.

“I don’t think so, girl.”

Grimacing, she let the joint hang between her fingers. “Don’t call me girl. It makes you sound a lot older than you actually are.”

“What do you want me to call you, then?” I asked, suppressing another long-suffering sigh.

“My name?”

“And what’s your name?”

“I’ve been here for weeks and you still don’t know my name?” she asked incredulously, and I shrugged.

“Wow,” she said, giving me an annoyed look that was somewhat softened by the murky haziness in her eyes.

Her name was Ludovica. I knew that.

That still didn’t mean that was her actual name.

Only someone stupid would enter the Don’s home with the intention of killing him and give out their personal information. Or maybe someone suicidal. I still hadn’t decided which one of those two she was.

But it wasn’t too hard to understand her desire for privacy.

She had lost her whole identity the moment she stepped foot through the doors of this house. The family and friends she may have had, the freedom to walk outside in the sun, the power to do what she wanted — her entire life had turned on its head andI understood why she’d want to keep at least a little piece of her previous self concealed.

It was why Marcello, Alessio, and I very rarely used our real names.

Around here we were King, Ace, and Jack.