Some type of self-control. The ability to stand still for a moment and justthink.
Alright… so maybe I was still a little angry about the fire. Sue me.
I let out a deep, worn-out sigh. “Never mind. You’re right.”
Ace cracked open an eye, surprised. “I am? I mean — of course, I am. About what, though?”
“What’s done is done, and we should put it behind us. But, for the peace of my mind, maybe let’s stop trying to see how much the Don’s goodwill can withstand before it snaps, hm?”
He had always been more patient with us, but I was sure that every man had his limits.
King cleared his throat, attracting both of our attention. “About that…” he started.
“What is it?” I was afraid to ask, a deep sense of apprehension settling in my bones.
I knew that tone of voice. Nothing good ever came accompanied by that particular intonation.
“It’s about our… new tenant.”
“The girl?” I glanced toward the stairs, afraid that even just mentioning her name was going to summon her. “What about her?”
The gears in my head were rapidly turning as a terrible realization slowly dawned on me.
“The Don knows that the girl is living here… right?” I followed my intuition, dreading his response.
“King, please tell me that the Don knows the girl is still alive,” I asked him again — begged, really.
King’s eyes darted to the side as he rubbed at his cheek. “Not… exactly.”
I felt a vein throb at the back of my head and even Ace’s eyebrows raised at that.
Why had everyone suddenly lost their minds and started to do the most foolish things imaginable? Was there something in the air that turned people into idiots and I was the only one who was somehow immune to it?
Why on earth would he ever do something so incredibly stupid?
I closed my eyes and exhaled calmly, pinching the bridge of my nose. “You’re starting to turn into Ace.”
“Hey!” Ace immediately made his displeasure known.
Trying to keep my temper in check, I asked King in the calmest voice I could muster, “And why didn’t you think to ask him for permission first?”
He at least had the decency to look sheepish. “I honestly didn’t think that he was going to say yes.”
The vein at the back of my head started to throb harder.
“Oh, it’s gonna be fine,” Ace cut in with his trademark nonchalant attitude. “It’s not like anyone knows that she’s here, anyway.”
Oh, I was aware of the exact reason he agreed with King.
Just when I was about tovery calmlyexplain why it really wasn’t fine, I heard the star of our conversation coming down the stairs.
After exchanging quick glances with one another, the three of us abruptly fell silent. The girl took a stand in front of Ace, raising her eyebrows, and he let out a put-upon huff before moving his legs to let her pass.
And right here was the source of all of my worries.
King’s current fascination with her was beyond me, but the only thing I knew for certain was that she’d bring us nothing but trouble.