Joe smiled at her. “You’re looking even better than last week, if you don’t mind me saying.”
“Thank you, sir. Improving all the time and eager to get back to work.”
“Look, I’m not sure how long this op will take. Why don’t I have someone send over the assignment and you can start looking at it. We can connect once I’m back and chat then. Sound good?”
“Sounds great, thank you.”
Kelly walked back to her car. It had been good seeing the team. She wanted more of that. More time with them. They made her feel normal, whatever that might be. It felt right. Getting back to work, starting to spend more time here, was exactly what she needed. But it didn’t erase the fact that she and Dex needed to talk.
Getting into her SUV, she pulled out her cellphone before she could change her mind.
Let me know when they let the desk chain off. Perhaps we could grab a drink. I'd like to talk.
Dex’s response came within seconds.
Tell me when and where and I’ll be there.
DEX SAT AT A TABLE on the patio of Cara’s Coffee Shop. Kelly had chosen to meet here, and he hadn’t questioned it. He would have preferred to meet alone, but if this was comfortable then it was fine by him. They’d been coming to this coffee shop since they were old enough to drink coffee. It was familiar. Probably why she chose it.
He looked up as she walked toward him. She looked beautiful. The simple pale green sundress fell to her knees. Her dark hair hung loose down her back. As always, she took his breath away. Looking at her, somebody might never guess what she’d been through. Until she got closer. Then her eyes told a different story. The sparkle was gone. Dark circles had bloomed beneath them, telling Dex she wasn’t sleeping. Probably plagued by nightmares. His gut tightened as an image of Lazir blinded him. That son of a bitch was going to pay for what he’d done to Kelly and Bravo, if it was the last thing he did.
Dex stood up when she reached the table and pulled out her chair.
“Hey,” she said quietly, sitting down.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier, but you look lovely.” He sat back down across from her, careful not to be too close.
“Thank you.”
He hated that she sounded nervous. “I got you a coffee.”
He pushed the cup toward her, and she smiled, sending a rush of blood to his groin. He cursed under his breath at the automatic reaction he had to her. Down boy, it ain’t happening. Not the time.
“Thank you for meeting me, Dex.”
“Of course. I told you before, I’m here. Whatever you need.”
He watched her stir her coffee, looking as if she would find the words she wanted to say in the foam.
“Can I ask how you are, like, really are?” he asked gently.
She looked up at him and the pain in her eyes cut him like a knife.
“Sorry, we don’t have to talk about it.”
“It’s OK. It’s a fair question. I asked Ryan exactly the same thing about you.” She smiled weakly at him, and he had to force himself to not reach across the table to grab her hand.
“I’m in a much better place than when you found me. I still have a way to go, but I’m confident I’ll get there. Physically, everything is good, it’s just mentally...well... you know...” She fell silent, looking back down at her coffee.
“It sounds like you’re making good progress.”
“I am. I have a lot of good people around me. A great therapist, and Sophie and I have become close friends.”
“Ahh, Sophie. I don’t think I’m her favorite person right now.” He grinned before sipping his coffee.
“Because she had to keep you from beating down my door?” Kelly arched an eyebrow at him in amusement.
“Not apologizing. I wanted to see you. You know how impatient I can be.” He winked, but Kelly’s face became serious.