Page 49 of No Regrets

Dex stood with his team. She gulped nervously as they all turned to look at her. On shaky legs, she walked toward them, stopping a few feet away.

“Hey, guys.” She silently cursed how nervous she sounded.

“Kelly, it’s great to see you here. How are you?” Dex answered with a warm smile. None of the men moved toward her. All were giving her space.

“ just got my cast off.” She lifted her hand, showing them her cast-free wrist.

“Bet it’s itchy as hell, right?” Tyler said.

Kelly glanced at her wrist. It hadn’t been until now. “Well, it wasn’t, Tyler, but now you mentioned it, hell, it does itch.” She smiled and the team laughed, and the tension eased a little.

“We were just checking in on our boy here. Making sure he isn’t causing any trouble behind a desk,” Steve said.

“Yeah, it’s been two weeks, I’m surprised he hasn’t killed anyone with a pen yet.” Donnie added.

“Jeez, guys, I can handle a month on desk duty.” Dex grinned. “They’re really here because they miss me.”

“Sorry to rain on your ego, brother, but we miss Kelly more.” Ryan slapped Dex on the back, then winked at her. She laughed. She’d missed this. The banter between them, the Navy community, the sense of belonging. But in particular, she’d missed these men standing right before her. These guys were family. All of them.

“So, are you back at work?” Mackie asked.

“Sort of. I’m here to see Joe to get a research assignment. One I can do either from home or here. He’s letting me go at my own pace for the moment.”

“Joe’s your new CO?” Dex asked in genuine surprise.


“Well, that’s great. It’s so good to see you, Kelly,” Ryan said, and the others muttered their agreement. Before Kelly could say anything else a series of beeps rang out. The boys pulled out their cellphones.

“Looks like we’re spinning up,” Ryan said. “Gotta go. Take care, Kelly. Hope we see you again soon.”

The team said their goodbyes and she watched them leave.

“This must be tough for you,” she said to Dex.

“Yeah, that’s the first time they’ve spun up without me.” Dex stared after them.

“I’m sorry.”

Dex turned to face her, and a flash of anger flared in his eyes but disappeared just as quickly.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.”

Kelly opened her mouth to respond, but Joe came out of his office.

“Lieutenant Kimber, I’m sorry. Something has come up. I need to reschedule.”

“Of course, sir. It’s no problem.”

Joe nodded. “I’ll call you once I’m done. Apologies again.” The CO glanced at Dex. “Dawson, I believe you have some after-action reports to review.”

“Yes sir, I do.”

Joe waited, apparently not planning to leave until Dex did.

“It was nice to see you and the team, Dex.” Kelly said. She didn’t want to hold him up or get him in trouble again.

“You too, Kelly.” Dex nodded then turned on his heel and walked away.