Page 84 of Soaring Hearts

Gaylehanded her glass toLouwho drank. “Hon,Ihaven’t told her everything yet.”

Lilywas still reeling from the fact thatLouandGaylewere an item.Shewas glad to get off the topic ofWyatt.She’dhoped he would at least send her a text, make sure she got back to the hotel safely last night.EvenPeterwould have cared enough to do so.

Shewondered whatPeterwas up to.

Gayleasked, “RememberShellyfromHR?”


Gaylenodded. “SheandTomused to play racquetball together every week.Anyhoo,Iasked her to checkChelsea’semail.”


“Everyonein the company agrees to allow email access toHR.It’sa way to prevent personal use of the firm’s servers.”

“Ihad no idea.”

Lousaid, “Actually, it’s common practice.Employeessign a waiver when they go through the onboarding process.”

“Shellyfound something?”Lilyasked.

Gaylepulled out her phone and showed it toLily. “Gold.”

Itwas a log of emails betweenChelseaand the owner of theBreckproperty upon which the mall would be built.Aman namedGeorgeHalloway.


Lilyshook her head.

Lousaid, “Ido.I’vedone business with him over the years.He’sa shrewd man.Almostas rich asIam.”

Gaylepointed, “Readthat one.”

Inthe email,ChelseaguidedHallowayto make a substantial “donation” toMayorBillingspersonal account.ToLily'suntrained eye, it was irrefutable proof of bribery.

“HowdidChelseagetBillings’saccount info?”

Gaylesaid, “Youget one guess.”

“Theywere in cahoots?”


Apang of fear.Lilyfelt the blood drain from her face.

Wasit possible thatChelseasent her andGayleto deflect from her own illegal activities?HadLilybeen unwittingly put at risk, appearing as thoughshewas the one overseeing the bribe?

Panicbegan to set in.

Gaylestared at her. “Lily?What’swrong?”

“Chelseaset us up.”

“Howdo you mean?”

Lilyexplained her thinking.LouandGaylelistened attentively.

Gayleturned white. “Ican’t believe that witch did that to us.Youthink we could get into trouble?”