Page 83 of Soaring Hearts

“Right-o.Butwe now have a whole lot more to celebrate.”

Thechampagne arrived along with two flutes.Acouple at an adjacent table whispered while looking at them.Lilyrecognized them from the group at the construction site the day before.

Thewoman was pointing her phone in her direction.

“Doyou mind?”Lilysaid, striving to stay positive forGayle'sbenefit.Itwas becoming increasingly challenging to do so.

Thecouple quickly looked away.

Lilyreminded herself that other than a few outliers, the community had been welcoming.Notablyso.

ToGayleshe said, “Whatelse are we celebrating?”

Gayleraised her glass whichLilyclinked. “Somuch has happened sinceIsaw you last.”

Theydrank.Thechampagne was mediocre butLilywas glad to have a friend to chill with.Seemedthere weren’t many of those left.

“Okay, you have my complete, undivided attention.”

“Well, you’ll never believe whoIbumped into on my hike yester?—”

LilyspottedLou.Hewas making a beeline for their table. “There’ssomeoneI’dlove you to meet,” she said toGayle.

Louapproached the table andGaylestood.Thenhe drewGayleto him and kissed her, passionately.

Lily’sjaw hit the floor. “What.Is.Happening?”

Loulaughed heartily.Hespun an arm aroundGayle. “Guessyou didn’t bringLilyup to speed yet.”

“Wasabout to.”

Lilyleaned back, shaking her head.

Gaylesaid, “LouandIused to date when we were kids.”

“Ifell in love with her back then but life got in the way.”

“We’reback together now,”Gaylesaid.

Lilywas floored.Theyall sat. “Wow.Justwow.Whatare the odds?”

Lousmiled. “That’sexactly whatWyattsaid.”


Gaylechimed in. “Wewent over toLou’snew house.It’sgoing to be amazing, by the way.”

LoukissedGayle’scheek, making her laugh.

Sovery weird.

Lousaid, “Youtwo really need to find common ground.He’scrazy about you.”

Thewords made her heart leap.Thenplummet.

“Hehas a funny way of showing it,”Lilysaid.

Loufrowned. “Don’tbe too hard on him.Breckenridgeis his home, his family has lived here for generations.He’sprotective, that’s all.”