Page 85 of Soaring Hearts

“Notyou, me.Iwas the oneChelseasent to meet withMayorBillings.Youcame here only after he gave the go-ahead.”

Someonestopped by the table, glaring atLily.Itwas the baker. “Youshould be in jail,” she said.

Lou,GayleandLilyturned to her. “Whatare you talking about?”

“Youmight want to checkInstagram.”Sheslinked away.

Thethree of them checked their phones.

“Ohno,”Lilysaid, the others looking at their phones in horror.

Therewas a boomerang video of her saying, “IbribedBillings.”Hermovements and words were on a loop.Anotherpost showing a photo of her leavingBillings'soffice.

Theweight of what was happening slammed into her.Thedoctored video was the least of her problems.

“Chelseawas using me as a fall guy.”Lilybegan tearing up. “Iwas never going to get that promotion.”Shetapped her phone’s screen. “I’mcallingChelsearight now.”

Louplaced a steadying hand on hers, “Wait.”

“Whatfor?Sheneeds to come clean!”

Lougently took the phone fromLily’shand and placed it face down on the table.Hespoke in a calming voice. “Ihave a better idea.”

Lilyglanced at her phone, a sense of desperation hitting her.

Lousaid, “Trustme.”

Lilyblinked rapidly, considering the gravity of what he was asking—to place her reputation in his hands.


AndthenLilybroke down in tears.


“Wouldyou put your phone away?”Joeysaid, eyeingWyatt’sdevice with irritation.

Thebrothers were on either side ofJoey'sleather couch, the weekend finally arriving.Abowl of chocolate-drizzled popcorn was inWyatt'slap.Joeyhad already scarfed down most of a bag of tortilla chips and half a jar of salsa.


Joeyaimed a chip atWyattand fired. “Seriously, man what’s your problem?”Hepointed to the television screen. “Wejust tied the score.”

Wyattpaused the video on his phone.He’dwatched it five times and still couldn’t believe it had received over a thousand views.

Theimage was frozen onLily, standing at the project site, frowning, her stance defensive.“IbribedBillings,”she said.

Itwas her voice, no question about it.

Also, it was clearly doctored.

Joeyclicked the mute button. “Whycome over if you’re not going to watch the game?”

Wyattwaved his phone. “Allthose women need are pitchforks.”

Joeyrubbed a hand over his face. “ThisaboutLily?”

“It'sentrapment, ifIever saw it.Theywere intentionally trying to anger her, get her to say something they could use as a soundbite against her.”