Page 52 of Soaring Hearts


Themusic had switched once more, toYouAintNothingButaHoundDog.


Thevoice was so familiar.

Itcan’t be.

Lily’seyes shot open and she jumped back, sendingWyattoff center, his hands dropping to his sides.

“Gayle?”Shewas incredulous, rapidly blinking into a new reality.

Gaylewas at the edge of the floor, dancers jostling her as she made a beeline to them. “Thisis so cool!” she shouted above the noise. “Ihaven’t been here sinceIwas a kid!”

Lilybegan gesturing wildly, mouthing,No!

ButGaylewas in hyper mode. “Chelseasent me to work with you on the shopping mall project!We’llbe the best tag teamCartwrightPropertiesever had!”

Lilyfelt her body deflate like an untethered balloon, tremoring skyward and out of sight.

Wyatt’sbrow furrowed as he looked atGayle, her red lipstick seeming garish against her pale big city complexion.

Gayleseemed to sense something was off and slowed her pace.Then, “Oh.Ididn’t?—”

Wyattturned toLily. “Youwork forCartwright?”

Shefelt her face burn up, her stomach drop to the floor. “Yes, but?—”

Wyattstumbled back like he’d been hit by a football player straight to the gut. “I’mout of here,” he said, shoving past startled onlookers.

That’showLilyended up alone on the barn’s dance floor, partiers at a standstill, all their judging stares crashing down on her shoulders.


Wyattswerved around the uphill curve, takingSkiHillRoadat a maddening pace, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and anger.Hehad always considered himself a keen observer, someone who could spot trouble from a mile away, but he had let his guard down this time, and now he was paying the price.

Thelights of the town flickered beneath him as if nothing had changed.

“I'mthe biggest fool this town has ever seen,”Wyattmuttered bitterly, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

Howhad he not noticed?Howhad he not seen it coming?Allthe signs were there, glaringly obvious in hindsight.

Lily, with her radiant smile and charming demeanor, had appeared out of thin air, like an enchantress.Shehad chosenBreckenridgeas her new home, claiming to work in “real estate,” andWyatthad fallen for her story hook, line, and sinker.Hehad even introduced her to the community at theWildflowerFestival, bringing her on stage to sing with him.

AsWyattsped past theNordicCenter, a sudden realization struck him.Thatday at the meeting.Thewoman in the back of the room.ItwasLily.Shewas spying on them, observing their every move.Thepieces of the puzzle were falling into place, andWyatt'sanger flared hotter.

Hishands gripped the steering wheel even harder, knuckles turning bone white.Hethought he’d learned his lesson.Trustbut verify.

Instead, he’d let his heart get in the way.Again.

Lilywas working for the enemy.Shehad come here to change the very fabric of the town’s allure.Histown.

Wyattmade a suddenU-turn, missing the curb by a hair.Hewas going to track downMayorBillingsand figure this out.Nomatter what it meant.Butfirst he needed to gather the troops.

* * *

Gaylefelt horrible.Shehad thought she could keep things light, make her unexpected arrival to town about teamwork rather than checking up onLily, which was whatChelseareally wanted.Buther method and timing couldn’t have been worse.