Page 51 of Soaring Hearts

Atthat moment, as if some unseen hand clicked a remote, the music changed.ToUnchainedMelody.

Shepaused, unsure what to do.Wyattdidn’t skip a beat.Heled the way toward the middle of the floor, weaving through those who chose to sit out the ballad.Instinctively,Lilyset her hands behindWyatt’sneck as he laid his hands on her hips.

Herheart fluttered, a bevy of butterflies taking flight inside of her.Hereyes met up with the tip of his chin, offering a perfect view of the five o’clock shadow lining his strong, clenched jaw.

Wyatt’shands tightened on her waist, pulling her slightly closer, their bodies swaying in unison to the singer’s crooning, throaty voice.

Lilylowered her eyes, now facingWyatt’sshirt.

Anywherebut his eyes.

Shestudied the buttons like they had the answers to what was happening.

Oh, myyy love.Mydarling.I’vehungered for your touch...

Wyattbegan to sing softly in her ear, sparking goosebumps down her arms.Sheleaned her head against his chest.Shecould hear his heart beating through his shirt.Strong.Fast.


Thiswas it.

Shewas ready.

* * *

Gaylezipped up her jacket,flummoxed.Mainstreet was deserted.Sowas the riverfront.

Shestrolled the plaza abutting the river, the water rushing over giant rocks smoothed over the centuries.

Whereis everyone?

Thenearby small souvenir shops and cafes were closed for the day.Alarge community board caught her eye.Severalposters announced upcoming local events.


Itwas the same dance the hotel’s desk manager had mentioned.

Thatexplained it.

Gaylelooked around at the quiet streets.Shecould come back tomorrow when things were hopping again.Shetook a photo of the poster, noting the location and headed back to her car.

* * *

Howis this possible?Lilywondered.

Swayingon the dance floor in the arms of a man she had only recently met.Andit felt so right.

Thesong was winding down, couples slowly coming out of the trance wielded by the onstage musicians.

“Lily?”Wyattrepeated, his voice filled with desire.

Herheart pounded like a drum in her chest, anticipation building, the world fading away.

Shelifted her face, their eyes meeting, their bodies but a millimeter apart, her lips moistened and ready.

Wyattleaned down, his expression intense, fierce.Sheclosed her eyes.
