Page 53 of Soaring Hearts

AsLilywalked into the lobby behindGayle, she looked shell-shocked and fragile.Gayleput her arms around her co-worker, bringing her into a hug.Lilyhad always been kind and friendly to her and she'd returned that kindness with deceit. “I’mso sorry.IwishIcould turn back the clock.”

Lilystepped back, her expression filled with a mixture of hurt and understanding. “Metoo,” she said, then adding, “It’smy own fault.”

GaylethoughtLilywas being exceptionally gracious.Especiallyunder the circumstances.Theman she had seen at the dance withLilywas no less surprised byGayle’sarrival.Hissudden departure had leftLilylooking crestfallen.Theruckus caused a stir among the crowd, forcing her andLilyto leave in a hurry.

Lilysighed with resignation.Standingin the lobby, she crossed her arms, a defensive position. “Pleasetell me whatChelseais really up to.”

Gaylereddened with embarrassment.She’dbeen sent here without anyone givingLilya heads up.Shewas not going to pussy-foot around this anymore.Shehad already done enough damage.

Shewas about to reply when she noticed the same manager was still on duty.Onlynow instead of a warm smile there was a distasteful sneer.

Apparently, word got around fast in this town.

Lilytoo picked up on the frosty atmosphere.

Gaylesaid, “Maybewe should speak upstairs.”

Lilynodded, her gaze flickering with apprehension. “Fine.”

Asfar asGaylecould tell,Lily’sstrategy to quietly win over the community before sharing her agenda had been a resounding failure.IfGaylehad read things right at the barn dance,Lilyhad succeeded with at least one very handsome local man.Untiltonight.

Onceupstairs, seated onLily’ssofa,Gayleasked about him.

Hisname wasWyattSomers.Ironically, he was a residential building contractor.Gaylewasn’t sure how given his career he could claim the high moral ground.Shesaid as much toLily.

Lily, still hyped up with nervous energy, began to pace the room, her words pouring out like a flooding river. “Thereis a difference between eco-friendly housing that blends into the surrounding landscape and an upscale shopping mecca designed to look like theTajMahal.”

“Yourealize you sound like our opposition, right?”Gaylepointed out, her brows furrowing.

“Maybe,”Lilyadmitted. “Butit's a valid concern.”

“ThenChelsea’ssuspicion was right.Youareconflicted,”Gaylesaid, her tone gentle.

Stillin perpetual motion,Lilyshrugged. “Isuppose so.”Then, “Areyou going to tell her?”

Gayleshook her head. “Iknow my reputation as a gossip,Lily, but no,I’mnot going to breathe a word, assuming of course you’re still planning on overseeing the project.”


“Then, your secret is safe with me.”


Gayleleaned back in her chair, allowing a moment of silence to pass between them. “Ifit makes you feel any better,I'monly here to see what's happening and report back.ThenI'mgoing home.”

Lilyfinally came to a halt, her posture softening. “Okay,I'lltake you to the building site tomorrow.They'rebreaking ground at eight a.m.”

Gayleglanced at her watch, noticing the late hour. “Howabout we grab a drink?Ithink we both need one.It'son me.”

Itwas almost midnight.

“Thisis a sleepy town.Nothingis going to be open at this hour.”

Gaylewent over to the mini bar and pulled out several tiny bottles of liquor. “Then, what do you say to getting sloshed right here?”

Gaylefelt a burst of relief whenLilyfinally let a smile slip through.
