Page 40 of Soaring Hearts

Ahh, the perks of daily housekeeping.

Stillat the door, she unlaced her hiking boots, placing them on the floor, careful not to shake loose the clumps of mud lodged in the soles' grooves from a day in the great outdoors.Shedropped her backpack onto the sofa, exhaustion taking over.

Thesurfer dude had been manning the front desk, averting his eyes when she walked past.Seemedthe manager was keeping him in line.Shecouldn't bring herself to feel bad.Actionshad consequences.

Inthe bedroom, she stripped off her clothes, tossing them onto the perfectly made bed.Dressedonly in her underwear,Lilysnatched up the chocolate from her pillow, unwrapping it and popping it into her mouth.Burstsof peppermint danced across her taste buds.

Theday withWyatthad been one of her best ever.Now, she was ready for a quick shower and a whole lot of sleep.Butfirst things first.

Lilysat on the bed with her back against the wooden headboard, wrinkling the freshly ironed top sheet that smelled of lavender.Sheglanced at the time.Nearlyten p.m. on the coast.Shetapped inChelsea’scellphone number, hoping for voicemail.

“Lily?”Chelseaanswered on the first ring.

WhenLilyheard tapping, she realized her boss may very well still be in the office.

“Callingwith a report,” she said, sounding like a soldier, addressing her commander.Ifshe were there in person, she would have saluted.

Thetapping stopped. “Gladto hear it.Iwas going to give you until morning and then call you.I’mbeginning to wonder if you are in over your head.”


Itseemed every time they spoke,Chelseawas increasingly harsh.Whathappened to, ‘You’resaving my behind?’

Lilylet the jibe go. “How’syour mother?”

“She’srecuperating.She'snot out of the woods but the doctors are optimistic.”Then, “Whathave you got for me?”

“MayorBillingsis giving the go-ahead to the project.”

“Good,”Chelseasaid, with little enthusiasm. “I’msure the owner will be happy to hear that.Whenthis goes through, your promotion will be a mere technicality.”

Itstarted to feel like a carrot on a stick andLilywas a willing bunny.

Lilysaid, “Themayor doesn’t want the word to get out about his support right away.”

“Right.Whatdoes that mean about our start date?”Chelseaasked, in her clipped manner.

Somethingwas off.Almostlike her boss already knew everythingLilywas conveying.

Despitethe encroaching fatigue,Lilyfeigned an upbeat manner. “We’reon time to break ground.Bythen,MayorBillingsexpects to get some of the big names in the community to hop on board.”

“Soundslike a smart man.Beatsblindsiding the locals.Aslong as we stay on schedule.”

Lilywasn’t sure she agreed withChelsea’sassessment ofBillings.Herimpression of the mayor was less charitable, her big city sensitivities on alert.Heseemed nice enough but more of an opportunist than anything else.Still, she hoped one of the locals he could win over would beWyatt.

HearingWyatt’scough-inducing chat withWendyat the bistro madeLilydoubt anything would get him to back a shopping mall.

Shewas functioning on borrowed time.Shehad tried tellingWyattwhy she had moved to town but frequent interruptions prevented her from getting the message across.Atleast that’s what she was telling herself.

Lilywas finishing the call with her boss when another call came through.

“I’llget back to you soon with an update.Bye.”Shehung up before the conversation could go on, hoping she had sufficiently appeasedChelsea, for the time being.

Sheswitched calls.


Lily’ssister said, “Yousound super cheerful for someone newly single.”