Page 41 of Soaring Hearts

Lilyhadn’t had a chance to tell her sister about the breakup.NewYorkmight be the most densely populated city in the country but in many waysLilyknew it to be akin to a small town, at least when it came to juicy bits of gossip.

“Howdid you hear about it?”

Jillyhesitated for a breath. “Don’tfreak out butIbumped intoPeter.”


Itwas strange given that her ex and sister lived in different parts of the city.

“Hewas with that lady again,”Jillysaid, her voice dripping with derision. “I’mguessing she lives near me, the slut.”

Lilyfelt an ache of betrayal.Hadshe been ignoring the signs all along? “Hetold you we broke up?”

“Yes, he seemed surprisedIdidn’t know.”

“Sorry,Ididn’t have a chance to fill you in.”

“Whatever,” she said, her tone revealing a touch of hurt. “Hedidn’t introduce me to his new friend.Andshe didn't speak up either, probably because she was too busy making googly eyes at him.”


Theold adage was clanging like a death knell in her head.Thewoman is always the last to know.

Jillymust have sensed she’d shared more than necessary. “Howare you holding up, sis?”

Lilysighed. “PeterandIare in different cities and our calls and texts were dwindling.ButifI'mbeing honest, it’s almost like nothing much has changed.”


“Thanks.IsupposeI'llneed to find new digs for whenIget back home.”

Thethought of apartment hunting inManhattanand finding one she could afford on her own was daunting.Unlessthe promotion came through fast.

“Youcan stay with me till you find a place.”

“Thanks,Jilly.IhopeIwon’t have to take you up on that.”

“Theoffer stands.Nowtell me, how’s the job?”

“Heatingup.Lookslike the project will go forward but with limited community support.”

Thatwas an understatement.

“Okay, but you’ll get the job done, make your boss happy, and get the promotion.Right?”

“Hopeso.”Ifshe did it would mean a jump in her salary.Avirtual windfall.

“Youdon’t sound especially excited.Somethingelse on your mind?”

“I’mfine,Jilly.Really.I’mmaking nice friends out here.Wewent on a hike, to theIndependenceDayparade and a local wildflower festival.Tomorrow,I’mgoing withWyattto the annual dance and?—”

“Whoawhoa!”Jillysaid. “WhoisWyatt?”

Lilywent for nonchalant. “Justthe guyItold youImet, does construction in town.Anyhow, he’s been showing me around.”

“Okaay. . .”

“Don’tget your knickers in a twist.He’sjust a friend.Andbesides,Ihaven’t told him whyImoved out here.Heis against the development project.Bigtime.Ifeel likeI’mtricking him and everyone else.”