Page 39 of Soaring Hearts

Lilyturned toWyattawaiting an explanation, then up atPammy. “Hetold you about me?”

Shegrinned. “Youcould say that.Heever return your clothes?”

Wyattrolled his eyes.Clearly,Pammywas set on playing the annoying little sister-in-law. “Comeon,Pammy.You'recramping my style.”

Pammy’sbelly was at eye level.

Wyattgrimaced. “Okay, maybe not the best choice of words.”

Lilychimed in. “Myclothes are still at his house.Cometo think of it, he was supposed to bring them today but looks like he forgot.”

“Ohplease.Heforgot.”Pammyrepeated, making exaggerated finger quotes.

Lilylaughed. “Iknow, right?Iwasn’t born yesterday.”

“Goodgirl.Don’tletMr.Suavelure you into his lair.Blue-eyed cowboys are a dime a dozen around here.”

Wyatthad been watching the interaction like a chair umpire atWimbledon. “Youtwo finished?”

PammypattedWyatt'sshoulder. “Incase it isn't yet obvious,I’mPammy, this shell-shocked dude’s sister-in-law.”

“Pleasureto meet you.”Lilygestured toPammy’sbelly. “Howmuch longer?”

“Almostcooked.Sixmore weeks.”

“Wow, congrats.”

“Thanks.”Pammystudied them closely. “Joeywants to make one last barbecue beforeBrodieshows up.Lily, maybe you’d like to join us before the dance tomorrow night?”

Lilysaid, “Isthat theStarsandStripesdanceWendymentioned?”

“Yep, it’s a blast.Itstarted back when the soldiers from a nearby airbase came out toBreckto meet the ladies and dance the night away.Bestmusic anywhere.”Sheflushed. “Imean, other than theRebels, of course.”

“Willthere be fireworks?”

Pammyshook her head. “They’reillegal out here in the mountains.Therisk of a wildfire is too great.”

Wyattlooked atLily. “Thedance is epic.Ifyou like that sort of thing . . . we could go together.”


“Thenwe have a date.Imean an, um . . .”


Pammyseemed to be holding back a bout of laughter, her cheeks ready to burst, like her giant, round?—

“Right, an outing,”Wyattsaid, bringing the unkind thought to a full stop. “How’ssix o’clock?Wecan make the rounds.Firstthe barbecue, then the dance.”

“Soundsgood to me,”Lilysaid.

Itwas only afterWyattdroppedLilyoff at her hotel, humming the tune toCountryRoads,when he rememberedLilywanted to tell him something.Nomatter.Theycould talk about it tomorrow.Eitheron the dance floor or atJoey'shouse.

Onour firstrealdate.


Lilyentered her suite, grateful to see the sofa pillows positioned at a perfect angle, the coffee table dusted and shiny.