Page 42 of Soaring Hearts

Jillysaid, “Firstof all, lose the knickers thing.It'sweird.Makesyou sound like you're a hundred years old.Andsecond of all, why doIfeel like there’s something you’re not telling me about thisWyattguy?”

Probablybecause you know me too well.

“He’sjust a friend,” she repeated, for her sister’s benefit.Andher own.

“Right.Howold is this friend?”

“Acouple of years older thanIam.”


Lilycould hear the smug smile in her sister’s voice.

“Iguess he’s sort of on the tall side.Sandy-colored hair?—”

“Ifyour next word is hot,I’mgoing to be reallyP.O.’d.”


“LillianJaneRandolph, you’ve been holding out on me!”

“Seriously, that’s the take-away?”

Adoorbell rang in the background.

Jillysaid, “Igotta run.Weare so not done with this conversation.”

OnceJillyuttered a quick goodbye,Lilylet the phone drop on the bed beside her, wondering who was showing up at her sister's door so late at night.

Butshe was saved by the bell,Lilythought, a loud yawn escaping her lips.Shewould give her sister a taste of the third degree the next time they spoke.

Lilytook a power shower, then fell back into bed.Thetalk withJillytriggered her decision.Nowwas the time to double down on her efforts to get the building project done, maybe even earlier than initially speculated.Then, there would be no way she wouldn’t get the promotion.Shemight even score a bonus.

Asher eyelids began to close, she thought ofWyattstanding on the rec center stage, calling her name.Secondslater, she was fast asleep.

* * *

Chelseafinishedher work and stared at the screen. 11:57 p.m.Ifshe shut down the computer now, she could at least say she finished working before the stroke of midnight.

Thehallway’s harsh fluorescent lighting reflected off her office window, making it hard to discern the moon she knew was out there.Shewas completely alone on the floor.Andfor that matter, in general.

Hermother’s sudden illness should have been a wakeup call to slow down.Afterall, it was stress that sent her mother into emergency surgery.ButChelseafound solace and distraction in work.Itwas why even when sitting in the hospital room at her mother’s side shortly after the operation that she took to the hallway to answer calls and emails.Workwas keeping her sane.

Theidea of going home to an empty apartment with little more than her thoughts was too much to bear.Maybeshe’d make a stop first at theGingerPubonSecondAvenue, enjoy an adult beverage or two.

Toobad she had no close girlfriends to invite along.Underother circumstances,Lilywould be a friend.Maybeeven a confidante.

ButChelseahad made a strategic decision when sendingLilytoBreckenridge, one that couldn’t be undone.

Theirlast few calls had given her pause, leaving her with a sense thatLilywas conflicted about the role she took on.Chelseasuspected the locals had gotten to her.Itwasn’t the first time she had seen this sort of dynamic play out.Thoseemployees no longer worked for the company.Shehad assumed, perhaps incorrectly, thatLilywas up to the task.Onlytime would tell.


Chelseapulled up her email account and typed a quick message, a not-so-subtle reminder.Asmuch as she likedLilyon a personal level, there was simply too much on the line to leave things as they were.

Sheread over the note and clicked send.
