Page 18 of Soaring Hearts

Lilyshook her head quickly. “No, no, it’s not what you think.Peterwouldn’t cheat on me.We’vebeen through thick and thin, andItrust him completely.”


Wyatt’slips curled into a supportive smile. “That’sgood to hear.Trustis essential.”Then, “Lookup.”


“Youcame out onto the lake.Checkout the lake.”

Wyattwas right.Herdisturbing thoughts were keeping her from noticing her surroundings.Shelooked up.

Thelake was glass, reflecting the soaring snow-capped mountains surrounding them.Severaltiny, forested islands speckled the lake.ShefollowedWyatt’slead as they paddled among them.Adragonfly fluttered her way, perching on her kayak’s hull.

Lily’sheart lightened.

Asthey continued paddling, the water around them seemed to carry away her worries.Lilyfound herself fully immersed in the present moment.

Wyattbroke the silence. “Whoa, take a look at that.Marvin’scome out to say hello.”

LilyfollowedWyatt’spointed finger to the edge of a secluded inlet.There, to her delight was a moose, its impressive antlers like a majestic crown on its massive head.

Shepaddled closer, then pulled out her phone and took several photos. “He’shuge.”

“Yup.Mostof the accidents around here are due to interactions with moose.Carcollisions, and of course, the tourists, deciding it’s a good idea to get out of their cars to pet them.”

“Theyprobably think they’re likeBullwinkle.Goofyand fun.”

Wyattshook his head. “Morelike incredibly dangerous.”

Lilystudied the beast, nibbling at the greenery around him. “Marvin, huh?”

Wyattlaughed. “That’swhat those of us who work at the kayak rental call him.Helikes to show up around this time of day, early in the morning when we come around.He’squite the social butterfly.”

“Howdo you know it’s a boy moose?”

Wyattsmirked. “Well,Ididn’t check if that’s what you’re asking.”

Lilyrolled her eyes, good-naturedly.

Wyattbrought up his kayak beside her, extending an oar toLilywho grabbed on, allowing him to pull her closer. “Onlythe males or bulls have antlers.Theygrow each year through the spring and summer.They’remade of bone that is an extension of the skull.”

Lilywas impressed with his knowledge of the local fauna but the proximity toWyattand the glorious setting were starting to get to her.Atthe moment, she was utterly distracted byWyatt’sblond stubble.Ithad reddish highlights that gleamed in the sun.


“Hmm. . . right.Skull.Interesting.”

Wyattpursed his lips.Andchanged topics. “Sinceyou’re new in town, you probably don’t know about theWildflowerFestival.”

“Whatis that?” she asked, refocusing.

“Thetown raises awareness for conservation.It’salways on theFourthofJulyweekend, whenBreckswells with tourists.Thetown sponsors hikes to view wildflowers and teach about botany.Afterthe parade, local establishments set up tents near the rec center.It’sthe biggest revenue stream of the year for many of them.There’smusic, food, you name it.Tenpercent of the proceeds go to educational programming.”

Lilywas about to tell him she thought it was a terrific cause and sounded like a lot of fun when a booming clap of thunder stopped her.Stunned, she rocked the kayak, nearly capsizing.Wyatt, held fast to her boat “Areyou okay?”

Inthe distance,Lilyspotted dark clouds rolling their way.Shenodded. “Maybewe should head back.”

“Thistime of year we get lots of pop-up storms.Theycome out of nowhere.We’llbe fine.Followme.”Helet go of her kayak, and paddled along the shoreline,Lilyright behind him, keeping a very close eye on the brewing storm.