Page 19 of Soaring Hearts


Tenminutes later, the sky had cleared, the clouds blowing past as if nothing had changed.Theywere now halfway back to the dock.

Wyattwas impressed with howLilyhad handled the sudden storm clouds.Itwas obvious she was scared but she kept herself calm, ready to follow his safety protocols.Andshe was a strong paddler.Itwas hard not to notice her toned arms as she rowed beside him.

“Thisweather is crazy,”Lilysaid, sounding more lighthearted.

“Noway to predict it.”

Wyattglanced at his watch.Therewere still forty minutes remaining to their session and he didn’t want the time withLilyto be cut short.Hewas enjoying every minute.Butshe was ready to go.Andthat pop-up storm could be back as quickly as it had vanished. “Ihope you’re enjoying the outing.”


IfWyattcould come up with a way to stretch out the time with her, he would.Therewere so many things he still wanted to know aboutLily—her family, her life inNewYork, her job.Buthow?

Theywere fifty meters from the dock when a jet ski came rocketing out of nowhere, bearing down on them.

Wyattreacted quickly, dodging the jet ski with millimeters to spare.


Motorizedvehicles were not allowed on the lake.Heexhaled in relief. “Closecall!”

Thenhe heard a shriek and a splash.

* * *

Thewater was freezing cold.Fora fleeting moment,Lilythought she’d go under.Shewas a terrific swimmer but when the jet ski slammed into the back of her kayak she became instantly disoriented, clueless as to which way was up.Shekicked free of the boat, landing several yards away, the life vest doing its job, keeping her afloat.Thestartling episode happened so fast she needed a few moments to catch her breath.

LilywatchedWyattspin his kayak around, then catch sight of her bobbing kayak, now upright but empty.Fearcloaked his features.

Shecleared her throat. “Overhere!” she shouted over the jet ski, roaring away.

Inseconds,Wyattwas by her side, towing her kayak behind him. “Areyou okay?”

Lilygrunted in the affirmative, the life vest brushing against her ears.

“Holdon to my paddle,” he said, his face ashen. “Nowgrab onto the far side of the kayak and pull yourself back in.”

Shefollowed his instructions, aware how clumsy she looked, not to mention her hair wet-glued to her head.

Onceback inside her kayak, they made their way slowly to the shore.

“I’mgoing to report that jerk,”Wyattsaid as he tied her kayak to the dock and helped her get out.

Beforeshe could reply, he had both hands on her arms, looking down at her, his concerned sea-blue eyes meeting hers. “Areyou really okay,Lily?”

Hespoke her name likeshewas a delicate flower.Itmade her heart leap.Shecouldn’t look away. “Yes,Wyatt.I’mokay.Really.”

Hemoved closer and unbuckled her vest.Thepull to reach up and kiss him was beyond anything she’d felt before.Withanyone.

Fora heartbeat,LilyandWyattremained that way.Eyeslocked, breath held.

Untilthe skies opened up.

* * *

Lilycouldn’t stop laughing.Herhysterics were drawing strange looks from the people standing beneath the bus stop shelter, waiting out the storm.Thedelirium took hold when the rain pummeled her andWyattminutes after she’d fallen into the lake.Itleft them both a wet, soggy mess.Soakedto the skin, there was no point in waiting for the rain to cease.Instead, they ran to the parking lot, like stark raving lunatics.