Page 17 of Soaring Hearts

Lily’sstomach was a mess of butterflies.

Ihave a boyfriend.

Maybeshe could switch to another outing.Nowall she needed was to find the instructor.Shelooked around.Noone nearby.

Wyattfollowed her gaze, then landed back on her. “LasttimeIsaw you,Iforgot to get your name.”

Ihave a boyfriend.

Beforeshe could respond,Wyattstepped into the hut, emerging moments later with an iPad in hand.Hetapped the screen and looked up. “LilyRandolph, nice to meet you . . . again.Readyfor some kayaking?”

“Wait.What?You’rethe instructor?”

Hechuckled, his gaze holding hers. “Yep,I’mfilling in for my sister-in-law,Pammy.She’sdue in a couple of months, soI’mon babysitting duty for the kayaks.”Hescanned the grounds behind her then checked his watch.

“Lookslike it’s just you and me today.”

No, no, no.

“Ihave a boyfriend!”

DidIjust say that out loud??

Wyattraised an amused brow. “Thanksfor the update.”

Hehanded her a life jacket and gestured toward the kayaks. “Shallwe?”

Lilyhesitated for a moment.Shecame out here to paddle and no sizzling hot, kayak-sitter was going to stop her.

Shenodded. “Sure, let’s do this.”

Asthey pushed their kayaks into the tranquil water,Lilycouldn’t help but wonder if fate was playing some kind of cruel joke on her.Hereshe was, out on the lake with the man she was irrationally attracted to.

Aman who would make her jump in the lake and swim to shore if he ever found out who she really was.


LilyandWyattpaddled side-by-side, skimming the glistening water, the sun’s warm rays painting ripples of gold on the lake’s surface.

Jilly’svoice echoed inLily’smind.Shecouldn’t help but remember the phone call she’d had with her sister just a few hours ago.

Peterand a ‘mildly attractive woman.’

AsLilyandWyattfloated on the tranquil lake, she stole a quick glance atWyatt’sprofile, his strong jawline illuminated by the sunlight, like a spotlight on a stage actor.Shewondered how this rugged, outdoorsy guy would look in aSavilleRowsuit, seated across from her atBoucherie.Apang of guilt hit her for even entertaining such thoughts.

SensingLily’smomentary distraction,Wyattturned his head, his eyes locking onto hers. “Everythingokay?”

Lilyoffered him a faint smile. “Yeah, just lost in thought for a moment.”

Heraised an eyebrow, his playful grin tugging at his lips. “Careto share?”

Lilyhesitated, then decided to open up. “It’snothing major, really.Mysister,Jilly, saw my boyfriend,Peter, having dinner with another woman.”

Whatis wrong with me?

Itwas like her brain was being hijacked every time she engaged with him, spitting out all sorts of things normal people kept to themselves.

Wyatt’sexpression shifted, his brows furrowing in concern. “Thatdoesn’t sound great.”