Page 20 of Soaring Hearts

WhereWyatthad appeared worried, now his face showed utter amusement.Hist-shirt was sticking to his abs, water droplets dripping from his beard.

Heclicked open his truck. “Ilive near here.Youcan dry off and get warm.It’sa lot closer than your hotel.”

Finallycoming up for air,Lilysaid, “Sure.I’llfollow you.”

Soakedthrough, now shivering uncontrollably,Lilygot into her car, blasting the heat, and followedWyattback toBreckenridge.

Bythe time they pulled intoWyatt’sdriveway, the rain had let up, the sun trying hard to poke through the passing clouds.

Lilystepped out of the car, pleasantly surprised.Thetownhouse was half a mile up the mountain betweenMainStreetat the bottom and the ski resorts—where she was staying—at the top.Theexterior was stone and dark wood with some black metal accents on the porch that held a single rocking chair.Theplace looked very new.

Wyattopened the back of his truck. “Igotta grab my gear.”Hetossed her the keys. “‘Letyourself in.”

“K,”Lilysaid, as she unlocked the door.

Ina blur of brown and white, she was forcefully knocked backward . . . intoWyatt’swaiting arms. “Oomph!”


Wyatt’sstrong grip was onLily’swaist, keeping her from falling.Forthe second time this hour,Lilyhad the wind knocked out of her.Andfor the second time,Wyattwas holding onto her, rushing to her aid.Shetook a beat longer than necessary to detach from his grasp.

AnenormousBernesemountain dog was lickingWyatt’sface, ignoring the chastising.

“Sorry,Ishould’ve warned you,”Wyattsaid.


“Andstronger than he realizes.Bernieis my brotherJoey’sdog.Pammy—that’s his wife—is expecting and handlingBernieis too much for them right now.”

“Soyou’re kayak sittinganddog sitting?”

“Yep.”Wyattfound a tennis ball by the door and kicked it toward the back of the house.Berniewent bolting after it.

Lilytook one step onto the freshly polished wooden floors, a puddle forming at her feet.Anyother circumstances and she’d be mortified.Butshe was drenched. “Oops.”

Wyattkicked off his sandals and ran to the bathroom, bringing back a bath towel.

“Turnaround,” she said.

Helooked at her quizzically. “Oh.”Andturned around.

Lilytook off her shoes and socks and then not allowing herself a moment to consider what she was doing, took off her dripping t-shirt and shorts, letting them drop to the floor. “Nopeeking.Towel, please.”

Keepinghis back toLily,Wyatthanded her the towel.

“Youcan turn around now.”

Wyattfaced her, his expression unreadable.Hetook a step toward her.

Fora moment, he stood there frozen in time, as if waiting for an invitation, neither of them breathing.

Ittook herculean effort butLilybroke eye contact.

Wyatttook the cue and bent down to gather her sopping wet clothes.

Hisvoice came out husky. “Comeon, let’s get warmed up.”
