Page 64 of Soaring Hearts

“Iwas just chatting withPammy.”Then, “Youhad a nice turnout there this morning.”

“Yeah, well.Theproject got everyone’s attention.Peopleare . . . scared.”

Lilyfrowned. “They’renot the only ones.”

Beforehe could ask what she meant,Pammycame in with a huge container and fork. “Coldchili.BestIcan do on short notice.Unlessyou want last night’s leftover burgers.”

Wyattgrabbed the container, opened it and smelled the contents. “Perfect.Hardpass on the burgers.Thosethings are weird looking.”

Lilyseemed to be holding back a laugh.Itmade his heart sing.


Hesaid, “Theresidents want to oustBillings.”

“What?”LilyandPammysaid in unison.

ToLily, he said, “Heshouldn’t have given you the go-ahead without general consensus.”

“It’stoo late.Theproject has the green light.”

Wyattfelt his frustration rise. “Notif?—”

Pammyinterjected. “Where’sJoey?”

Wyatttook a breath. “He’soutside.He’llbe in in a minute.”

Pammyseemed compelled to keep the conversation off the giant, gray elephant in the room. “Nooffense but why are you here at this hour?Shouldn’tyou be at theGalindohouse?”

Wyatttook a forkful of cold chili and downed it. “Ihave the after-school reading program at the middle school.”Anotherbite and swallow. “Needto eat, getBernieand head over there.”

Pammyplopped back onto the sofa. “Ohright.”Shesmiled. “Reallyproud of you for taking that on.”

“Whydo you needBerniefor the after-school program?”Lilyasked.

Wyattsaid, “Thekids love him.Manyof them are at-risk.Nearlyall have parents who work long hours.Wetry to make the activities enjoyable so they stick around rather than wander the streets and get into trouble.Bernieis a big draw.He'snot a service dog but he makes them happy.”

Pammyoffered her most innocent expression. “Whydon’t you showLilywhat you do over there?”


“Idon’t see why she would want to,” he blurted, even while picturingLilyreading a story to the kids.Theywould love her.

Lilylooked equally uncomfortable. “No, that’s okay.Ineed to get back to work.”Shestood. “Thanksfor the talk,Pammy.”

Pammyoffered an apologetic smile. “Sure.Anytime.”

Lilywas now directly in front of him.Thelast time she was this close his hand was set firmly on her lower back.Pullingher toward him.

“Forwhat it’s worth,I’msorry for not being upfront.”Heremerald eyes were filled with sincerity.Shesmelled of strawberries and cream.Shewas so close.Allhe had to do was hold out a hand.

Wyattcleared his throat, nodded, then stepped aside and watched her walk out.Thatrecurring ache was back.

Heturned toPammy, “Commiseratingwith the enemy?”

“ComeonWyatt, give her a break.She’sreally sorry.”

“Sorrydoesn’t cut it unless she stops the mall.”