Page 65 of Soaring Hearts

“Shedoesn’t have the power to do that.”


Thismust be whathangryfeels like.

Aloud, scratching noise interrupted his glum thoughts.

Wyattlooked out the window.Lilywas behind the wheel, turning the key, her face stricken.Joeyhad the hood open, looking inside.

Wyattstepped outside.

Joeysaid, “Heralternator is shot.”

Wyatttook a look. “Weird.It’sa new car.”

Lilyopened the driver’s side door. “It’sdead as a doornail.”

Wyattglanced at his watch.Heasked his brother, “Canyou driveLilyhome?”

Joeyshook his head. “Sorry.Pammyhas a doctor’s appointment.IpromisedI’dgo with her.”


Hesaid toLily. “Iwon’t have time to drive you up the mountain.You’llhave to come with me orI’llbe late.I'lldrop you off after the program.”

“That’snot necessary.Ican call a cab.”

“Thisisn’tNewYorkCity.Itwill take a long while for a driver to come out here.Youcan either hang out here or come with me.”

Joeysaid, “We’releaving in a few minutes.Sorry,Lily.”

Lilylooked distraught.

Wyattswallowed hard. “We’readults.Ithink we can manage another hour together without any more problems.”

“Fine,” she said, looking more than a little skeptical.


* * *

Pammywatchedfrom the window asLilygot intoWyatt’struck and they pulled away.Lily’scar remained in their driveway.Shewould need to have it towed to the mechanic.

Shestepped away from the window. “Joey?”

“Hmm?”Hewas eating the cold chiliWyattleft behind.

“Wedon’t have a doctor’s appointment today.”

“Yeah,Iknow,” he said, downing another mouthful.

Pammysmiled softly, went over to her husband and gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Gayleremoved the cuff from her arm.Thedisplay read, one-thirty-eight over ninety.Herblood pressure had spiked since she landed inBreck.Sheknew quite well that elevation gain could impact blood pressure.Butthen again, so did stress.Shesuspected that right now both were at play.

Sherummaged through her handbag and found her pills, downing two of them with the glass of water by her side.