Page 63 of Soaring Hearts

Pammysaid, “So, what are you going to do?”

“Aboutwhich thing?Theproject orWyatt?”


“Themall project is going ahead no matter whatIdo.Idon’t have the kind of clout to stop it.Actually, it’s more likelyI’llget fired if things stall.”


“Theway he left the dance,I’mpretty sure our budding friendship is beyond repair.”Sheswiped a tear away. “Imiss him.”

Pammypopped a few jellybeans. “Ibelieve you.”

Thewords meant more toLilythan she could have imagined. “Thankyou.”

“Butmybelieving you is not what’s important.”


“Andthe whole town.”

Pammysucked in her lips, massaged her belly, her face now showing more empathy than suspicion. “Youreally are between a rock and a hard place.”

Lilyknew what she meant.She’dwon over the community’s trust, sang and danced along with them.Underfalse pretenses.

Butno matter how she cut it, she had no choice.Allshe could do is what she was sent toBreckenridgefor whether she liked it or not.Sheneeded to do her job, even if it meant taking on the one man she was falling for.

Pammyshook the candy box.Empty.Shepeered inside. “Crap.”


That’swhen the front door opened.


“Hello!Anyfood in here?”

Wyattwalked throughJoey’sfront door.Hewas famished.Thelast thing he ate was half a slice of apple strudel withLou.Hoursago.

Pammywas on the sofa, an empty box ofJellyBellysbeside her.Shewas looking across the room at something.



Hepulled up short, his heart lurching at the sight of her.Shelooked like she had at the dig site.Wipedand sad.

Andyet still achingly beautiful.Itmade his stomach hurt.

“Hi,Wyatt.”Lilysaid, appearing as surprised as he was.Theangry fire they'd shown each other when facing off atopFourO’clockRoadhad extinguished.Onlyresentful embers remained.

Pammypushed herself to a stand, groaning. “I’llget you something,” she said, and tiptoed out of the room as best as she could.

Lilylooked like a trapped bear, desperate to escape.Ifonly he could save her.

Buthewas the problem.Hewas standing between her and the only obvious evacuation route.

“Hi,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “Um, what brings you around?”