Page 59 of Soaring Hearts

“Youknow, in case other people want to move in.”

Apit formed in her stomach. “Otherpeople?”

Shewas incredulous, anger flowing through her.Acouple of teenagers walked past, giving her wide berth.

Peterhad only just broken things off and was already inviting someone else to live with him?

Hemust have read her silence as agreement. “Great.Ifyou don’t mind,I’llpack up your things, clothes and such, and have your sister pick them up.”

Howlong had he been seeing the ‘mildly attractive woman’ behind her back?

Allthose late nights at work.Hadhe actually been cheating on her?

Herearlier headache, lingering at the edges, was threatening a major comeback.

Lilysupposed it was karma.Sheof all people deserved to be blind-sided after how she handled things withWyatt.

“Youstill there?”Peterasked.

Steelingherself with resolve,Lilyadopted a robotic tone. “Goright ahead.But,Peter?”

“Yes?”Hewas back to his newly upbeat mode.Sickening.

“Don’tcall me again.Ever.”


Lilystabbed the red circle on her phone, hanging up onPetermid-sentence.Shetook a deep breath and headed into the store, knowing if anyone dared to say a word to her she would explode like a shaken can ofPepsi.

* * *

Twentyfive minutes later,Lilywalked out ofCityMarketwith a cart full of junk food.Sheglanced inside one of the shopping bags.Mintchocolate chip ice cream, three bags of chips, a bright yellow can of spray cheese.

Itwas her version of retail therapy.Andfor the most part, it worked.Shewas a lot calmer than when she had entered the store.

Thestore where she andWyatthad shopped together.Laughing, flirting.

Ithad all gone sideways the momentGayleshowed up on the dance floor.

Lilyclicked open her car and heaved the bags out of the shopping cart.Nowall she needed were friends to have a pig-out party with.

Ihave no friends here.

Sheset the bags in the trunk of her car and got behind the wheel.Therewas something she needed to take care of.

Stayingin the parking lot, she placed her smartphone in its holder, connected to herBluetoothand called her sister onFacetime.

“Hi.”Jillysquinted at the screen. “Whereare you?”

“Inthe parking lot of a supermarket.”

“Youlive an exciting existence.”

“Youhave no idea.”


“Yeah,Ijust heard from none other thanPeter.Hewants you to pick up my stuff.Justchecking you’re up for that and can hold onto my things untilIget back.”