Page 60 of Soaring Hearts

“What’sthe rush?Can’tyou do it when you find a new place?”

Lilyexplained what was going on.

Jilly’sface turned beet red. “Thenerve of that guy!Hehas no shame.Walksaround town with that bimbo and then asks her to move in with him.Ihave a mind to go over there and?—”

Onlynow didLilynotice her sister’s hair.Thepink was gone.Backwas her natural color.Shehadn’t seen the chestnut curls, identical to her own, in years. “What’swith the hair?”

“Oh,”Jillysaid, halting her rant.Sheglanced up as if only just noticing the change on her head. “Iwas ready for something new.Imean somethingold,” she chuckled.Hereyes flitted off screen, dreamily.





“Whatis going on with you?”

“Imet someone.”

Jillywas biting her bottom lip.Anervous tell since she was a little kid.

“Whyon earth didn’t you tell me?”

Especiallyafter giving me a hard time whenIdidn’t immediately mentionWyatt.

Sheleft the sentiment unsaid.

Itseemed like everyone in her life was keeping secrets.Herselfincluded.

Jillyshrugged. “Yourlove life is a hot mess.”


“Ididn’t want to make you feel worse by telling you about mine.”

Lily’sshoulders slumped. “I’msorry, sis.Ireally have been awful.Everythinghas been about me, hasn’t it?”


Lilylaughed.Hersister was . . . her sister.

Jillyadded, “But, it’s as it should be.You’vehad a rough run.Yourscheming boss, the promotion dangled on a stick, the controversial project.Andthe men in your life.”

Thestomach pit was back. “Ihave no men in my life.”

“Whathappened toWyatt?”

Lilywas about to share the latest in the saga but stopped herself. “No, you don’t.Therest of this call is dedicated to you and this secret lover of yours.Nowspill it!”

Agrin burst ontoJilly’sface. “Well, if you insist.Hisname isRaji.Wemet atGold’sGym.Butget this, he lives in my building!Whatare the odds of that?”

Lilycouldn’t help but get caught up in her sister’s exuberance. “Iwould say really slim, other than the fact that the gym is down the street from your building.”

Jillyscoffed. “Whatever.Ichoose to see it as serendipity.”

Lilylaughed. “Soundsreasonable.Tellme about him.”