Page 58 of Soaring Hearts

“Yes, but back then it was a pittance, nowhere near enough for them to buy another place with land for their crops, which of course was their main source of income.”

“Shefound out that you knew?”

Lousucked in his lips, nodded once more. “Itwas after they were evicted.Theyneeded to move in with an uncle for a while just to get back on their feet.Alocal lawyer took their case pro bono and somehow my name showed up on the paperwork.”

ToWyatt, it seemedLouwas back there, decades ago reliving the moment. “Whenher father confronted me, she begged me to explain, said she would believe anythingItold her.Butit was all true.AndIfinally told the truth.”

Thepain after so many years seemed as fresh as if the incident had taken place that morning.

Louplaced a hand onWyatt’sshoulders. “Beingforthcoming and honest is always the best policy.But,” he paused for effect, “people make mistakes, son.Someare worse than others.Forgiveness, as they say, is divine.Don’tlet the best thing that’s happened to you pass you by.”Heswallowed hard. “Ifyou do, you’ll end up a regretful and lonely old man.”

Aftera few beats,Loucleared his throat and smiled grimly. “Comeon, son.Don’tyou have work to do today?”

Wyattstood. “Suredo.”Hetossed a few bucks on the table.

Louglanced at the money. “Noneed.I’vegot it.”

“It’snot for the cake.It’sfor the services rendered.”

Ashe walked away,Wyattknew that despite the old man’s good intentions, there was simply no way he could take his advice.Nomatter how much he wished he could.


Lilywas outsideCityMarketwhen she heard a buzz coming from her handbag.Shetapped her ear bud. “Hello?”

“Hey,Lily, how’s it going?”

Lilystopped walking, making sure she had heard correctly. “Peter?”

Awoman pushing a shopping cart in from the parking lot, glared at her.


Shehad quickly become the town villain.Orwas it, villainess?

“Yeah,”Petersaid, sounding oddly chill.Itwas not his usual vibe.Maybefreedom from commitment was good for him. “Gladyou still remember my voice.”

Ithad only been a few days. “Iseverything okay?”

“Yeah.Actually,I’vebeen wondering when you’re coming to move your things out.”

Theassumption that it would be she to move to a new place was reasonable enough.Peterhad lived there before her and would seemingly remain there after her.

“I’mstill inColorado.”Asyou well know.

Lilywaited for him to get to the true point of the call.WithPeter, there was often an agenda.

Maybehe wanted to keep something they had purchased together.Hecould have whatever it was.Shedidn’t care.

Lilystood aside as shoppers entered, no one else seeming to recognize her.Thankfully.

“Right, well . . .”

“Whatis it?” she asked, coming off sharper than intended.Herday started off terribly and seemed to be getting worse with each passing hour.

“I’dlike to clear things out.”
