Page 27 of Soaring Hearts

Likeher job would be if she didn’t go along with her new undercover role.


Wyattdrove up to the building site, the gravel spewing up beneath his truck’s tires.Hegot out, mega coffee in hand, glad he’d worn his sweater against the morning chill.Itwas his favorite time of day.Quiet, invigorating, full of promise.

Approachingthe house, he was surprised to see another car on the far side of the property.Hehad come extra early to get a head start on the work, stick to his project schedule, and be alone with his thoughts.

“Nottoo shabby.”

Wyattturned to seeLouGalindostanding there, looking up at the house.Hishouse. “Youdid a fine job, son.”

Shortand wide-eyed,Loulooked like a kid in a candy store.Fora moment they stood side-by-side surveying the progress.Thehouse was going to be a showpiece.

“It’snot done yet, but thanks.She’sa beaut.”

Loufiddled with his hearing aid, letting out a buzz of feedback. “Hopeyou don’t mind me dropping by unannounced.Actually,I’mproud of myself for staying away as long asIdid.”

“Whywould you?Thisis your home.”

“TruebutItried to hold off until it was done.Youknow, like a work of art, it’s often best to only see the finished product, not all the mistakes along the way.”

Wyattthought it an interesting perspective and perhaps not off-the-mark.

“Butafter running into you atTheRoadhouse,Icouldn’t wait any longer.”

Theman was interesting.Somewhatgrandfatherly with what seemed a permanent bit of mischief in his eyes.

Wyatttook a sip of his coffee. “Comeon,I’llgrab us some hard hats and show you around.”

* * *

Thetour went exceedingly well.Louasked lots of questions and offered many compliments.Nota single critique.

Ifonly all my customers were like this,Wyattmused.

Theywalked out the back door,Wyattpointing out the infinity pool.Expansivebeds of wildflowers contained by strategically placed rocks were made to look like it was happenstance rather than well-designed—and very expensive—landscaping.

“Loveit,”Louexclaimed. “I’mlooking forward to making this my main residence.”

Wyattwas glad to hear it and said so.HelikedLou.

“Areyou going to see that lovely lady again?”


“Lily,”Lousaid. “Iknowyou haven’t forgotten her,” he winked conspiratorially.

Wyattlaughed. “Ihope so.”

Louturned serious. “Hopeyou don’t mind an old man giving you advice.”

“Sure, why not?”

“Isaw some very distinct sparks between you two.Believeme whenIsay, that doesn’t happen very often.Ifyou are both available, you should pursue it, see if it has staying power.”

“Soundslike you speak from experience.”

Lou’seyes turned downcast. “That,Ido, son.Ilet a really great one get away.”