Page 28 of Soaring Hearts

AsifWyatthad witnessed a passing cloud,Loubrightened up.

“Lostlove?”Wyattasked, now curious.

“Somethinglike that.ButImay just have a chance to rectify that.”

Wyattwas about to ask more when he heard a vehicle coming up the driveway.

Twominutes later,Joeysauntered around the corner, waving at him. “Hey?—”

Joeysquinted, then came to an abrupt stop.Frozenin place, he looked like he was hyperventilating.

“Whatis going on with you?”Wyattasked.

“I’vegotta run,”Lousaid, heading to his car. “Thanksfor the tour.”

Wyattfelt his brother’s hand on his arm and turned to look at him.

Joey'sface was pale, his eyes bugging out. “WasthatLouGalindo?”

Wyattfurrowed his brow. “Youknow him?He’sthe owner.We’vebeen dealing with his daughter all this time.”

Joeyshook his head, repeatedly, stunned. “Youdon’t know who he is.”

Wyatthad a funny feeling. “Well, he did look slightly familiar.”

“That’sbecause you’ve seen him onESPN.”


“He’sone of theGalindobrothers.”

Wyatt’smouth dropped open.Howhad he not made the connection? “Oh.My.God.”

Hehad just received love advice from one of the richest men in the country.


Lilystood on her terrace, looking out at the mountain range, amazed at how much snow remained on the peaks.Itwas a different climate up there at the top.Ararified environment.Justlike at her company.

Fourmonths ago, the word got out that one of the firm’s junior partners was retiring at the end of the year.Gayleand several other colleagues had been whispering in her ear to throw her name into the ring.Theydidn’t understand that isn’t how it works.Therewas a pecking order in the mid-sized property management firm and she had never been really clear where she fit in.

Peterhad also pushed her to angle herself strategically.Pressedher to attend all the corporate events, which they did, schmoozing up the higher ups.Shehated doing it.Itfelt fake.Butsomewhere along the way she became convinced the big prize was only an arm's length away.Allshe had to do was grab it.

Astime went on,Lilycouldn’t help herself.Sheupped her game big time, staying late in the office, going the extra mile, often doing other people’s work.

Maybeit was a power play butChelsea,Lily’sdirect boss, never seemed to noticeLily’sdrive.Untilshe was desperate.

Lilydidn’t know if under other circumstancesChelseawould have selected someone else to fill in for her, only choosingLilybecause she was the one around at the last minute.Ormaybe she viewedLilyas the only underling without a family or even a pet, thus able to drop everything at a moment’s notice to leave town for several months.

Whateverit was, it proved to be the opportunity she’d been waiting for.

Thepromotions would be announced beforeLaborDay.ItwasLily’sgoal for the last several months.Makepartner.

Onlyproblem was if she couldn’t keep theBreckenridgedeal afloat, she could kiss the promotion goodbye.

Herstomach growled and she realized she hadn’t eaten a thing in hours.Sheneeded to set a more efficient schedule.Shegrabbed her phone, pulled up her to-do list and added,Eat.Then,Contactmayor, asap.

Aloud eruption startled her, pulling her from her thoughts.Thunder.Theblue skies once again shifted in a heartbeat.Theywere now riddled with clouds.Breckhad the ficklest climate she’d ever experienced.