Page 26 of Soaring Hearts

NewYorkerswere often too rushed to utter extra words.Frequently, it resulted in editing out the kindness.She’dlearned to not take it personally.

“Sofar, so good,Chelsea.Nothingto worry about.”

“Igot a call from the landowner,”Chelseasaid, lowering her voice.

Lilyheard steady beeping in the background. “Whereare you?”

“Atthe hospital with my mother.”

“Oh, sorry.”Lilysaid, wondering why her boss was calling an employee from her mother’s bedside.Hardcore.

Itoccurred toLilyit must have been a big deal forChelsea, a highly driven person—second only toPeter—to back out of theBreckenridgeproject and sendLilyin her stead.

NowLilydetected a door opening in the background followed by some rustling.

“AsIwas saying,”Chelseawent on. “He’sgetting very worried.Thinkswe need to do more to secure the project.”


“Meetwith the community leaders, maybe set up a conference with the mayor.Letthem see who you are, that you’re a reasonable person, representing a reasonable developer.”

Lilythought of the vitriolic meeting she’d snuck in on.Theone whereWyattspoke up.Ifhe got wind of such a 'conference,' it would out her true reason for being in town. “Isthat really necessary?”

Chelseasaid, “Holdon.”

Afew moments went by and her boss came back on the line, her voice at regular volume.Orperhaps a few decibels louder than normal. “WhyamIgetting the sense you’re resisting the suggestion?”

Lilyswallowed hard. “Noidea.Isimply don’t know if that’s the best course of action.GivenwhatI’veseen so far, there’s a lot of . . . reluctance about the project.”

“Allthe more reason,Lily.”

Itfelt like when her mom would chastise her, adding her name at the end of each sentence. “Whatwere you thinking climbing the neighbor’s tree,Lily?” “Whycan’t you come home with a clean dress like other little girls,Lily?”

“Theydon’t know whoIam.Itmay be better—more strategic—ifIstay under the radar.”


Lilypictured herself on the unemployment line.

“Actually, that’s not bad.Notbad at all,”Chelseasaid.

“Really?I-Imean, glad you agree.”


“It’scalled corporate espionage.Honestly,Ididn’t think you had it in you to suggest it.”


“Don’tworry, you won’t have to wear a tux and jump across roofs likeJamesBond.Usuallyit’s one company spying on another.Inthis case, you’ll be spying on the community.Youcan get the best info when they think you’re one of them.Then, bam!”

Wasthat glee she was detecting inChelsea'svoice?

“That’snot whatImeant,”Lilysaid, meekly, awareChelseawas off to the races with the idea.Heridea.

“Iknew you were the best person for the job,” her boss said, sounding reinvigorated. “Keepthis up and your name will be at the top of the promotion list.”

LilyknewChelseawas dealing with serious family matters but each time she spoke with her the woman gave off a different signal.Itwas confusing.Andunstable.