Page 24 of Soaring Hearts

ApparentlyWyatt’sfavorite food could killBernie.Pammyhad asked him to remove the candy from the house but that was a line that would not get crossed. “Ikeep it out of the way, regardless,” he’d said.

Hehad even pointed to the sign hanging over his sink thatJoeyhad bought him for his birthday.ICouldGiveUpChocolatebutI’mNotaQuitter.

Pammyhad no choice but to go along with it.Afterall, who else would watch their hundred-pound dog for several months?

Anothercommercial.Thisone for shampoo.Thelady’s hair was long and a deep, rich brown.LikeLily’s.

Lilyhad been infiltrating his thoughts.

Shewas something else.Therewas no denying the attraction between them was mutual.Hesaw how she looked at him, even as she rushed for the door.Maybeshe was also fearful she would do something she’d later regret.

Thequestion was if shelikedhim.Heknew very well that attraction and liking someone were two very different things.

“Shelikes me,” he toldBernie. “Imean, she came to my house.Granted, it was to change out of her wet clothes.”

Bernieyawned, his breath a thing out of a horror movie. “Youneed a mint, bro.”

Histhoughts turned back toLily.Hemade a mental note to call theSummitCountyParksOfficein the morning.Maybethey could find the guy who knocked her over and fine him.Orbetter yet, confiscate that dangerous jet ski.

Theannouncer came on screen, talking about the teams getting ready to take the field.ColoradoRockiesversus theCincinnatiReds.

Wyatthad been waiting all day for the ball game but now he couldn’t focus on it.Hereached for the remote, turning off the television.Grabbinghis sweatshirt and keys, he headed for the door. “Beback soon,Bernie!”

* * *

HisbrotherJoeyraised his gaze whenWyattwalked in unexpectedly, then turned his attention back to the television.

WyattkissedPammyon the cheek. “How’sthe next generation ofSomersdoing?”

Pammypatted her round belly. “Feisty, like the rest of you.”

Twominutes later,Wyattwas sitting on his brother’s sofa, a bowl of tortilla chips drizzled with chocolate syrup in his lap.Hissister-in-law knew him well.

“Thanks,Pammy.Whydon’t you sit down for a minute?”

“Readyfor another potty run.I’mpeeing for two now.”Shewent over toJoey, planted a kiss on his lips and walked away.

Stuffinghis face with more junk food, his family surrounding him,Wyattcould focus on the game.Heand his brother shouted at the television when the other team hit a homer and jumped up cheering when things went their way.

Itwas bottom of the eighth and the game seemed likely to go to theReds, making the brothers less vested.Duringa commercial break,Joeyseemed to fully note his older brother’s presence and he muted the television. “Whyare you here?”

Wyattyawned. “Youshould take a page from your wife’s welcoming attitude,Joseph.”

“Welcome.Whyare you here?” he corrected, smiling. “Sinceyou bought that jumboTVfor your bedroom, you never like to come over.Didn’tyou call us plebes for not knowing what anOLEDtelevision is?”

“Norecollection,”Wyattreplied, not bothering to cover his smirk. “Anyhow, can’t a guy hang out with his baby brother without a good reason?”


Pammymust have overheard from another room.Shecame in, giving her husband a look. “Ofcourse you can,Wyatt.IassumeBernieis okay?”

“Iwould have brought him but?—”

Pammyheld up a hand. “Goodthing you didn’t.Wemiss him so much but it would be hard to send him away again.We’llwait tillBrodieshows up.So, do tell.Girltrouble?”

Wyattstuffed a handful of chips into his mouth.Thenhis eyes widened.

“Chew, bro,”Joeysaid.