Page 25 of Soaring Hearts

Afteran agonizing twenty seconds with his sister-in-law and brother grinning from cheek to cheek, he swallowed. “Brodie?”

Pammylaughed. “Doyou like the name?”

“BrodieSomers.”Hesaid aloud, then repeated it. “It’sthe coolest name in the family.Ilove it.”Hestood, chips falling off his lap and onto the floor.Hewent over to hug his sister-in-law, then gave his brother a loving pat on the shoulder.

Joeylooked down. “You’regoing to pick those up, right?”Then, seemingly thinking better of it he bent down and shoved a few into his mouth.

Pammyscrunched up her face. “Gross.”

“Two-second rule,”Joeysaid. “Right,Wyatt?”

“Definitely.Ifever there was a house where you could eat off the floor, this is it.”

Pammy’sexpression looked like she needed a drink.Toobad she had to wait a couple of months to have one. “Thanks.Ithink.”

Themen sat back down.

“Younever answeredPammy’squestion,”Joeysaid.


“Oh, come on.We’dhave to be blind not to tell you got a woman on the brain.”

ItwasWyatt’sturn to grin. “Fine, caught me.”

“So, no trouble.It’sall good?”Joeylooked skeptical.

Wyattcouldn’t blame his brother for the question.Hehad a track record. “She’samazing.Smart, rolls with the punches, and gorgeous.”

“Wow,”Pammysaid. “Ithink he has the bug.”

Joeysaid, “Hedefinitely has the bug.”

“Idon’thave the bug,”Wyattsaid. “Wejust met.Idon’t even know whenI’llsee her again.Actually,” he added, “Ihave to return her clothes.”

Foureyebrows hit the ceiling.

Wyattsaid, “It’snot like that!”Heproceeded to share what had happened on the lake.ThenaRockiesplayer hit a homer.

Joeyclicked the sound back on. “Sorrybro, priorities.”

Therest of the evening was filled with an unexpected baseball win,Pammy’scravings for chocolate ice cream and fries, and lots of laughs.

Therewas only one thingWyattthought would have made the evening perfect.

IfLilyhad been there, too.


Lilywas dozing off with the latest bookJillyhad recommended when her phone buzzed, stirring her awake.Thephone was where she'd left it after sending a goodnight message toPeter.Shewas still waiting to hear back.Maybehe'd fallen asleep.Ormaybe he was out.

Amildly attractive woman.

Sheshook away the invasive thought, set down the novel beside her, and tapped her screen. “Chelsea?”

Shewasn’t expecting a call from her boss on the weekend.

“So, how are things going inBreckenridge?”Chelseaasked in theNewYorkway of greeting, sans “hello.”