Page 23 of Soaring Hearts

“Anychance you can come out for a weekend?” she asked.

Hepaused. “I’mworking on it.”


“Whyso surprised?”Peterasked, now distracted by something on his computer.Atleast he had given her a full five minutes of undivided attention.Itwas close to a record.

“Well, you know,” she said not caring much if he heard her. “Youdon’t really like the outdoors.”

Peterwas probably the only person she knew who was totally unaffected by being inside for a year-and-a-half when the entire world shut down, left with only technology andLilyto keep him company.

Heglanced at her face. “ButIlove you.”

Aweird feeling came over her.Peterwasn’t one to emote.Certainlynot from his office.Forhim, saying theLword when someone—anyone—could overhear, was the equivalent of another man’s shouting it from the rooftops.Shecouldn’t help but wonder what changed.Maybehe was experiencing his own bout of guilt.

Aphone rang on his desk. “Gottarun,” he said. “Talksoon.”

Thescreen went blank.

Itwasn’t lost onLilythat no mention had been made of the ‘mildly attractive woman.’


Wyattdropped onto his couch, a cold beer in hand, aHershey’sbar in the other.Berniesat at attention directly in front of him, giving him puppy eyes.

“No, you already had dinner and two treats.Yourmom will kill me if you go home fat.”

Thedog didn’t budge, a tiny whimper escaping his lips.

Whocould withstand such pleading overtures or that face?

Hegroaned to a stand. “Okay, fine.Butonly one more . . . okay, two.Butthat’s it.”Hepointed atBernie’snose. “Anddon’t tell on me!”

Thedog inhaled the treats and trotted away.Wyattcould swearBerniewinked at him.Dodogs even wink?OnethingWyattwas sure of.Berniewas thinking,Whata sucker.


Thegame was about to start.

Berniewas now sprawled on the sofa watching him.Don’t,Bernie’seyes said.

ButWyattwas already standing, right near the kitchen.

Hereached up above the cabinets and grabbed his secret stash.Secretfrom everyone but himself.Atleast he had put it out of the way, making it challenging to access.Heopened the shoe box and extracted a chocolate bar, then took a second. “Ifyou can have two, so canI.”WyatttoldBernie.

Beforehe took a third, he placed it back where it belonged.Hewould pay with another twenty minutes at the gym.Nobig deal.

Wyattbrought the snacks into the living room. “Move.”

WhenBerniedidn’t budgeWyatttook the seat next to him, stretched out, placing his legs on the dog’s back. “Giveand take, roomie.”

Itwasn’t lost onWyattthat he was speaking to the dog more frequently.Hewasn’t sure what to make of it.

Heripped open the candy bar and took a bite, careful to keep it away fromBernie’ssuddenly fascinated face.Itwas one of the twenty-five thingsPammyhad written on the ridiculously long list of things he needed to know about pet-sitting.

Theprintout was on the coffee table beside the remote control.
