Oh, God, I love him, but he wants more.I thought the last part to myself, then aloud to Kyle.

“You don’t need me to tell you what you should do because I believe you already know; you just needed to come to terms with your feelings, and now that you have, tell the poor guy so you can put him out of his misery.”

“Kyle, my guy may be many things, but miserable is not one of them.”

“Shut your face! Today is not the day to rub your amazing sex life in my face, especially since, at the moment, I do not possess one.”

“Sorry,” I gave him a pout.

“So, you will talk to him?”

“I will, I promise.”

“Great, now that’s settled; what else is happening?”

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Just know me better than I know myself. It’s irritating.”

“Well, you better get used to it because I don’t think I’m the only one here with this skill. Of course, I’d be happy to turn over all the responsibility to Edric, but I love you, and best friends don’t give up on one another.”

“No, we don’t, not ever. But, okay, something else is troubling me.”

“What is it?”

“I caught Paolo in my office, and I think he might have been looking for something.”

“Any ideas?”

“I’m not sure and told him to leave and not come back without my authorization.”

“Weird, but you have a right to be concerned. No one has ever gone in our offices without probable cause?”

“Exactly, but Kyle, something was off, and I have no idea what it is yet.”

“Did you look around to make sure nothing was missing?”

“I did, and everything was in order.”

“Good, and when I get a moment, I’ll speak with him.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. I’m hungry.”

“You do have breakfast sitting in front of you.”

“I know, but the croissant isn’t satisfying me,” I shoved the plate away. “Do we have any chocolate?”

“Always, I keep a secret stash with Nai; she’ll hook you up. Okay, take all the time you need and find me when you are ready to work.”

“Thank you. I won’t be long,” I said and hugged Kyle. My stomach grumbled, and I finished the last of my croissant and then thought of Edric. I wondered what he was doing and if he missed me as much as I missed him. Finally, I stopped obsessing and texted him.

Me: Hi, I miss you.

Edric: How much?

Me: Isn’t it enough that I miss you?