“Thank you, Ellen, for everything,”

“You are most welcome. Now, hop up on the table, and let me confirm that you are expecting.”

“Yes, do it for God's sake before I eat every last piece of candy in this bowl,” said Lucy, shoving yet another piece of caramel into her mouth.

“Alright, bossy, I’m going,” I raised my hands in surrender as I stepped up to the exam table and got comfortable, not looking forward to the exam.

“Okay, Sabina, put your legs in the stir-ups and relax. I just got a text that the results are ready. Let me go retrieve them, and I’ll be right back.”

“Hurry, this is not my most attractive look.” Lucy laughed, and if she were closer, I would punch my best friend in the arm. “You are having way too much fun here.”

“I know, but, in the end, this will be the most exciting time of your life. I loved being pregnant with Lisette and already miss it, but I’m pacing myself because it’s your turn.”

“Lucy, you forgive me, right?”

“How many times do we have to go over this? You were not in the best shape back then, and rightfully so with everything you’ve been through. Will you give yourself a break and stop playing the martyr? I love you, and I am not mad at you. I could never be mad at you.”

“Thanks, Lucy; I guess I needed to hear it again. I’ve had a whirlwind of emotions floating around my brain, and some days I don’t know if I’m coming or going, and most of all, I don’t want to hurt Bourne.”

“The only way you will ever hurt Bourne is by leaving him, and I know he would move heaven and earth to prevent that, so relax, baby mama.” She hugged and kissed me on my forehead as Ellen returned, grinning with the biggest smile.

“You’re pregnant, Sabina. Your HCG levels are very high, which is an excellent sign. Now, let’s confirm it this way and get some measurements. First, I want you to take another deep breath as I insert the probe.” I released my breath and then looked over to the black screen with the grainy image, not knowing what I was looking at. Ellen moved around the deviceinside me, and I winced a little, but then I relaxed, and the most incredible sound of thump, thump, thump filled the room.

“There’s your baby, and from the sound of it, the baby has a powerful heartbeat. You are just over eight weeks along, and everything looks great. Congratulations, my friend, baby Atwater should be arriving in late September to early October.”

“Bourne is going to lose his mind,” said Lucy as she helped me sit up. The happy tears flowed down my face as my friends pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m pregnant, I’m really pregnant,” I said as we continued to hug, laugh, and cry.



Working was the last thing on my mind this morning after my long run. It was my way of avoiding my woman because I knew if I had stayed with her this morning, I wouldn’t have let her out of sight. It’s crazy thinking, and I probably need to examine my head, but she’s right about needing some time with Lucy and on her own. Living on the island is a secluded way of life, but I also know it makes her happy, so it’s easy for me not to suggest anything else new because this way, I get to keep her all to myself.

I ate breakfast with Pierre and played with baby Lisette until it was time for her morning nap, and then I was alone in my thoughts again. The girl's driver checked in with me as I instructed him to do. After leaving the first stop, they dined at a local restaurant and ate lunch. He has eyes on them, and all seems to be well. I knew I could have placed surveillance and watched their every move, but that borders stalker tendency,and I trust my wife. So instead of going crazy a minute longer, I called the one person who would tell me to calm the fuck down and relax.

“Atwater Security,” clear and firm sounded back at me as I almost laughed through the phone, missing my longtime friend.

“Hi, Kaz; how is everything?”

“Well, and very busy, so let’s cut the chit-chat and tell me the reason for the call?”

“Are you serious right now? Or did you forget that I am the one who signs your paychecks?”

“I’m aware, but without me, there would not be an office or paychecks to sign, so the clock is ticking.”How does she do this? I was right to call because she was what I needed right now.

“I miss you,” three words I never believed I would say a year ago, but I’m a different man now, and that’s all due to Sabina. She has changed my life in more ways than I can ever imagine, and it’s like I am missing a limb when she’s not with me.

“We miss you too, but please do not worry about anything here. It’s all under control, and when you’re ready to come home, we will be here.”

“Yeah, that’s the thing; I’m not sure I feel as if London is home to me anymore.” There was silence on the line for a beat or two, and then Kaz was back on the line.

“You know, for a long time after Marielle and Adair died, I thought I might lose you too. It wasn’t the highlight time of my life back then, and even as years passed, the worrying never really went away.”

“Thank you, Kaz, I don’t know if I would have survived those times without you, but you never have to worry about losing me.”

“Good to know, and if the island is where you want to be, then we will make it work.”