“Sounds great, and thank you, Bourne,” he closed the door behind him, and I let out a long breath. Thank goodness he didn’t see me with my phone, well, the burner I was using. This was too important to use my regular phone, and I couldn’t risk my security man finding out what I was really up to.

I texted Lucy and Ellen in the group chat, and they responded quickly. Unfortunately, Ellen’s clinic was too far away for me to travel to without Bourne finding out, so she arranged with Lucy’s doctor to meet me at her office. I discovered they had worked together in the past and were close friends. I only wanted to hear the confirmation from Ellen since she was the one who got me through the loss, and it would be a full-circle moment if I were indeed pregnant.

For now, this secret excursion has to be between us. I won’t give Bourne unrealistic expectations. I had hurt him enough and never wanted to do it again, so here we are, less than twenty-four hours away from finding out if we will be parents. A few minutes later, he returned to our bedroom.

“All the arrangements are a go for you and Lucy to have a great day tomorrow doing,” he paused happily before pulling me toward him in a kiss.

“Lunch, shopping, and Lucy has a check-up appointment that shouldn’t take too long, and then there’s a sculpture show at the gardens.” I quickly added.

“Fine, have fun, and no detours from your security team. I need to know you are safe, and you and Lucy will allow them to do their jobs.” He pulled away from me a little, but not too far that I couldn’t reach him. He looked worried, and I felt foolish, not considering why he worried about me leaving alone. He’s afraid that something could happen to me since I was taken and nearly killed the last time I was out without him. I stepped up to Bourne, wrapped my arms around his waist, and kissed his naked back.

“Bourne, I promise nothing will happen to me, and I’m sorry for not considering how you would feel about it.”

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I loved how he held me and always needed my eyes on him when he spoke. “No, I’m sorry for overreacting. It’s perfectly normal for you to want to spend time with your friend and do things without worrying about how I would react. I am who I am and don’t see myself changing anytime soon, especially regarding your safety. Please understand my deep need to protect you. I love you and want you to have a wonderful day tomorrow.”

“Thank you, and I understand.” I kissed his cheek, believing this was the end of our conversation, but it wasn’t. Instead, he placed his hands on my face, looking intensely into my eyes. Again, I felt as if I was being pulled in by this powerful force that was my husband.

“Baby, I don’t think you do, and that’s fine because my worries are my own, and I will work through them. But, look, we said we wouldn’t do this by bringing up the past, and I’m not going to; let’s leave it at that. Come, let’s go to bed.” Instead of making love, he held me as we both succumbed to a restless sleep. I woke up to a cold bed and a quiet room. I sat up to look around and knew Bourne was not here with me. I looked at his side of the bed, and he left a note for me.

Good morning, Principessa

I didn’t have the heart to wake you since you probably didn’t get enough sleep, which is my fault, and I’m sorry about that. I’m out on a run, and there are pastries and coffee in the kitchen for you. So please have fun today with Lucy and give her my best. I love you and will show you how much when you come home to me.


I cried over his note as I read it several times before my tears blurred the ink in his perfect script. I pulled out my burner and dialed Lucy right away. “Hey, I’m getting ready and should see you soon.”

“Oh, Lucy,” I barely got out before I was in a full-on crying fit.

“Sabina, what’s wrong?”

“I screwed up, Lucy, and I hurt Bourne by my secrecy.”

“No, you didn’t, and once he finds out he’s going to be a father, he will be so happy. It bothers me when you are too hard on yourself, and all you’re trying to do is surprise him with something wonderful. You need to stop crying and prepare for the amazing day you and I will have. You hear me?”

“Yes, and thank you for allowing me to vent.”

“Always, now time is a wasting, and we don’t want to be late.”

It didn’t take long to reach the doctor’s office, where I would secretly meet Ellen. The driver parked the car out in front of what appeared to be a row of quaint brownstone structures, and if I didn’t know this was a doctor’s office, I would believe it was a vacation rental. I love Parioli, and it’s been great visiting, but I miss my island more and Anna too. We rang the bell, and a nurse opened it and invited us in. I told the driver we were fine and would be out soon. He politely nodded and then pulled out his phone, no doubt calling Bourne to give him an update.

“Sabina!” a cheerful voice called out from the exam room, and Ellen rushed over to take us both into a hug. “You made it!” she said, showing us to the exam room. Lucy’s doctor was busy seeing patients, and it was just us three waiting to find out if I was indeed pregnant. “Okay, all done,” she said as she handed off the vials of blood to the lab tech. “He will run the blood now, and we should have some results very soon. How have you been feeling otherwise? Any morning sickness?”

“Nope, all good so far, but I thought I would be sick the other night when we went out for seafood. The smell hit my nose, and I told Bourne I wasn’t feeling it and had plain chicken.”

“Good cover, but it’s also a good sign too. Food sensitivities are normal during pregnancy. So, tell me how you pulled off the ultimate caper to get over here today?” I sighed and didn’t feel so great after hearing the question.

“I lied, and I feel awful about it,” Lucy shot me an annoyed glare and once again told me that I was being ridiculous and worrying about nothing.

“Now wait a minute, Lucy, because of past circumstances, Sabina’s fears are justified, and Bourne doesn’t strike me as a man who is lied to. However, due to the nature of the lie, I believe he will be overjoyed when he hears the good news. For the record, I lied too, but you’re worth it, Sabina.”

“Who did you lie to?”

“Edric,” she sighed and then explained. “This was the second date weekend I canceled on him, but I tried to explain it was work, but the beast blew up before hearing me, and of course, I retreated and told him it was over.”

“Oh no, call him right now and tell him the truth,” I said, then asked Lucy to give me the burner phone.

“No, let him cool off, and just maybe when he does, he will realize how foolish and unreasonable he behaved. Now, enough of my love life drama, I’m here for you.”