“I know, and we have an amazing staff, and now, with the added additions to the team, I don’t worry. Is Edric around?”

“No, he’s on assignment but should be back by the end of the week. I needed him out of the office before he broke one more thing. He’s been a nightmare since he spoke to his girlfriend. Ellen had to postpone twice now when they had plans to meet. I mean, what does he expect her to do? She’s a doctor living in another country while running her practice.”

“You seem to know a lot about Edric’s relationship with the doctor. Is there anything else I should know?”

“Nothing too damning, but as I mentioned, they were supposed to see one another this week, and that didn’t happen. Ellen tried to explain she had a prior commitment, and that was the reason for canceling. Edric was angry and spiraled out of control after that. I had to do something, so when a job came across the wire, I put him on it. Hopefully, his time away will calm him down.” Listening to Kaz talk about Edric and mention Ellen piqued my curiosity.

“Kaz, what day exactly were they to meet up? And where?”

“It was today, and since the flight was short, they would spend the rest of today together and tomorrow before she flew back to Italy. I tried to tell him that things happen that we can’t control, but he’s pretty much a bear these days. When he doesn’t want to hear sound advice, he wears his noise-canceling headphones and blocks the office out. He’s a stubborn man.”

“It’s that bad?”

“What can I say? The man is in love,”

“He told you that?”

“No, not in so many words, but it’s what I suspect. The sad thing is that neither one is willing to bend for the other, so they are in a holding pattern until one makes a move. Okay, chap, it’s been great catching up, but I have calls to return, and I’m latefor a meeting.” Before I could say goodbye, the line had already disconnected. I dialed Berto immediately.

“Boss,” he said, getting right to the point.

“When you dropped off the girls at the doctor’s office, did you go inside with them?”

“No, I watched them go inside and returned to the car to wait until they were ready to leave.”

“How long were they in there?”

“I believe a little over an hour or so. Why?”

“Because I think something is not right here, and there’s more to this morning’s outing.”

“Boss, the ladies are fine and just finished up with lunch. So relax, will you?”

“Don’t let them out of your sight,” I barked into my cell, with Berto telling me he wouldn’t. I slammed the phone down and fumed in fury because the doubt was back, and I thought about Ellen and Edric. If she had a prior commitment, then why make a date with Edric only to cancel on him at the last minute? Something is not right here, and I will find out what it is. I had Pierre find me the number to Ellen’s clinic, and once it connected, I asked to speak to the one person who would know where she was.

“Bourne, great to hear from you. How is Sabina?”

“She’s great, thank you for asking. Hey, Kyle, I was wondering if Ellen is available.”

“She’s not at the moment. She flew to Rome for a consult as a favor to a colleague but should be back tonight. It was just a quick trip and back.”

“Interesting; where exactly in Rome?”

“Parioli,” he said with no hesitation. “Hey, I don’t mean to cut this short, but I’m being paged to triage. Good talking to you. I’ll be sure to tell Ellen you called.”

“Yeah, thanks, man,” so Ellen is here or was here at the same time we’re here in Rome, and coincidentally doing a favor for a colleague on the same day Lucy has a doctor's appointment with her OB/GYN. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a calming breath, tampering down my erratic heartbeat, and then my thoughts ran wild.

Can it be true? Is my Principessa pregnant again, and this all has been a ruse to confirm it? No, it’s obvious my woman plans to tell me in her own way, and I will not spoil it for her.

My entire mood shifted with a single call, and now I was watching the clock for Sabina to return home. Finally, two hours later, my wish came true with my happy wife bustling through the door carrying several shopping bags.

“Honey!” she called out as she dropped the bags and ran into my arms. “I missed you, husband; how was your day?” she asked as she planted the biggest kiss on my lips. I kissed her back with just as much passion, maybe more.

“I missed you horribly and wanted to track you down to your location about ten times every half hour, but then sanity kicked back in, and I waited here for your return.” She looked at me curiously and said she was happy I stayed home.

“It was a wonderful day and exhausting, too! We made big dents in our credit cards today.”

“I’m happy you had a great day, but you mentioned you were tired. How about we go upstairs to nap for a little while before dinner?”