Page 34 of Wilde & Shore

His smile expanded when his eyes shifted my way. “I did but I don’t see the boss out here anywhere so I figured I was safe.” He winked and did a casual sweep of my body before his gaze traveled back to the horses in the paddock. “Where’s he anyway? Should you be out here alone?”

“Wilde is asleep and why shouldn’t I be?”

“Asleep? Wilde? It’s almost seven. What the hell did you do to him…” He grinned, shaking his head. “Wait, never mind, don’t answer that. Not my business.”

My cheeks blushed from what he was hinting at.

“Nope, not your business.”

He chuckled and adjusted his hat, yanking it further down on his head. “I’m guessing you handled the stables and turnout all by yourself this morning, then?”

“Yes, why?”

“Nothing. You’ve only been here a fast minute and you were able to get it handled alone?”

“Don’tyoudo it alone?”

Wilde had mentioned he took care of turnout and the morning stable routine most days while the other guys prepared for the daily tours. They would collect the horses and saddle them up just before the guests arrived but most of the stable work was handled by Wilde and Georgie, the two either working together or alone.

“Yeah, I do, but I’ve been here for a few months.”

“I’m a fast learner and Wilde is a good teacher.” I shrugged, turning to find Georgie staring at me with a smug grin.

“I bet he is,especiallywith a pretty thing like you. I’m sure you got a lot of hands-on training from Wilde.”

I rolled my eyes but kept the smile on my face. “Should you be worried about my looks, Georgie?”

He smiled wide. “I got eyes, Shore, but I also like my job so all I’m gonna do is admire that pretty face of yours from afar. Not trying to piss off the boss by showing too much attention to his lady.”

I wasn’t Wilde’s and the reference of being his stung a bit because the minute it left Georgie’s mouth I realized I wanted to be Wilde’s.

“Oh, we’re not…”

Georgie shook his head, cutting off my sentence. “You might not have a label, Boston, but you’re something to him and he’s something to you, if you’re out here on his ranch taking care of his horse and grinning like you’ve been doing every time his name came up. You need some time to make sense of things but there’s something there.”

I opened my mouth to argue but an unfamiliar sound off in the distance caught my attention, a roar of sorts followed by tires crunching the cold ground then a man’s voice yelling. All of which had my head whipping around from my current focus of the paddock until my eyes landed on the man in question.

“Georgie, bear.…” Wilde slammed his truck to a stop and hopped out of the driver's door which he had already flung open and darted toward us with a hard look on his face. I swung my head to the left just as Georgie cursed from beside me.

“Stay put. Don’t you fucking move.”

Everything happened so fast. Several shots sounded from the gun Wilde had aimed in the air, the bear roared again but turned and began running away from the stables followed by the rumble of a few horses who’d begun a mini stampede in a panicked frenzy. The one closest to me lifted its front legs into the air, kicking wildly, so close that I startled again and fell backwards off the railing, crash landing onto the cold, hard ground.

A rush of pain shot down my back from the awkward way I landed. Before I could fully take in that I’d hit the ground, I was lifted bridal style into a familiar set of arms.

“Motherfuck! Shit, Boston, hang on.”

He hurried me into the stables and I was carefully seated on a bale of hay while Wilde’s eyes and hands roamed all over me. He started at my head, moved down my arms, then back up to my neck.

“I’m fine, relax,” I mumbled, out of breath, feeling another spike of pain pulse down my back.

“You’re notfine, you flipped off that railing and landed on your ass, Shore.”


He called me Shore. The panicked and concerned look in his eyes were clear indicators that he was worried.

“Wilde, I’m fine. I promise. It hurt like hell hitting that cold ground and I’m sure I’m going to have a headache from hell before the sun officially sets tonight but I’m fine. Really.”