Page 33 of Wilde & Shore

I licked her nice and slowly until she calmed, her body relaxed and sank into the mattress again. I lifted to my full height, shoving off my shorts. I retrieved a condom from my nightstand which I quickly donned then I was back between her thighs, delivering a trail of kisses over her stomach, up the center of her chest until I was kneeling over her. I waited patiently until those lids fluttered open and those pretty browns were on me. When I had her full attention, I pushed into her as far as I could go, ever so slowly.

She blinked a few times and released a satisfied sigh, which brought a smile to my face. This moment was so right. She felt so gotdamn good as I pulled back and sank into her again.

Soft, warm, and tight…

Shore swallowed thickly before I had that trembling voice of hers again. “What the hell are your flaws, because at this point, everything about you is too damn perfect.”

My mouth met hers. I thrusted my hips forward again and she tightened around me so securely, I could barely move. The tempting urge to fuck her hard surfaced, but instead I took my time, stroking her slowly, while I leaned down and dragged my teeth across the soft expanse of her neck, following that same path with gentle kisses.

I felt the warmth of her hands on my back then the scrape of her nails before they dug into my skin. The pinch of pain had me sinking deeper between her thighs like we were in competition. Maybe we were, but fuck what she thought, I would win but she would receive the reward.

I watched her face the entire time, fucking her at a controlled, steady pace, my eyes locked on hers, searching for something. I desperately needed her in the moment with me. Shore’s heavy lids lowered at the same time she spread her thighs wider, pulling me in more by digging her nails into my skin and I fucked her deeper, with hard, long strokes.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…”

I grinned when her breath became more labored, with gasps and moans. I brought my hands down, pushing them into the mattress to garner more power and leverage, while she threw her head back, arching into me.

Her mouth dropped open and her breath hitched while her pussy tightened and convulsed. Shore matched my movements stroke for stroke and I fucking loved it. I rocked forward, increasing my pace, I felt the pressure building. Felt her on the edge of her release and mine was so fucking close I had to focus not to get there before she did.

“So good…” Her voice was hoarse and labored which had me pushing in deeper.

“Fuck…” I buried my face in the cover of her neck and fucked her harder until I felt her tightening and pulsing around me, her muscles locking beneath me while her thighs slammed hard against my waist. When I felt her loosen and relax, I focused on riding out my own orgasm, thrusting deeper into her pussy with a few more long, lingering strokes. I pulled all the way out then slammed back in one last time as I emptied myself into the condom.

I rolled onto my side and pulled her into my chest, both of ours heaving with the intensity of the moment. Neither of us spoke for a long moment until Shore inched closer and exhaled a sigh. “You win.”

I grinned and gently rubbed my hands up and down her back. “It wasn’t a competition.”

“Mmhmm,” she mumbled softly before her breathing evened out into a soft, slow pace. I eased out of bed, trashed the condom, and found my way back in bed with Shore. I had no idea how much time passed before I finally began to drift off but while I lay there staring into the darkness of my room, with Shore wrapped around me, I realized how much I wanted this. Someone here in my bed with me, but the fucked up part was it couldn’t just be someone, it had to be Shore. I hadn’t the slightest clue how I was going to make that work but it was going to have to fucking work. I wanted Shore Manchester. One week was not going to be enough.


The next morning I crept out of Wilde’s bed, leaving him sleeping peacefully while I quickly tipped down the hall back to my room, showered, and dressed. Since he still wasn’t up when I passed his room and peeked inside, I smiled at the sight of him, stretched out on his stomach in bed, arms shoved beneath his pillow, face half-buried.

A sea of beautiful brown skin exposed from the expanse of his broad shoulders down to his narrow waist which was draped in pale gray sheets. He was truly a beautiful specimen. After fighting the urge to strip out of my clothes and climb back in bed with him, I decided to return the favor of kindness and handle the morning stable rounding. I wasn’t an expert but felt I’d learned enough to get the job done.

My hope for the day was to let Wilde sleep in late then maybe he and I could decorate my tree at some point after he was up. My presence had disrupted his schedule so the very least I could do was give him a few extra hours of sleep back that he’d lost because of me.

I yanked on a lightweight puffer over my sweatshirt and my cowboy hat before leaving the house and decided to walk to the stables since I’d elected to wear my leather Uggs for comfort. Wilde had been right about a few hours around my house not being enough to break in a pair of brand new cowboy boots.

After my first day working the stables my feet were very unhappy with me. The walk to the stables was only about fifteen minutes, a little under a mile, and with the crisp winter air cutting through me, I moved at a steady, brisk pace with my head down and hands shoved into my pockets.

It was peaceful and, from my vantage point, the beautiful landscape extending to the mountains and the sky was serene and peaceful. I felt an instant pull to being out here. The desire to settle into this slow-paced, country lifestyle was a complete surprise.

I was a city girl born and raised but this town, this ranch, the man whose bed I woke up in this morning, gave me a feeling of belonging which literally made no sense. I barely knew him. Regardless, the idea of this being my life, with a man like Wilde, made my heart skip a few beats.

Or maybe you’re just settling into the idea of accepting the clusterfuck that is your life and you’re ready to do something about it.

I groaned as I reached the stable and lifted the latch to let myself inside. I yanked the leather work gloves Wilde had given me on my first day from my pocket and smiled as I scanned the building trying to decide where I would begin. I did a mental inventory of what I remembered and decided to start turn out for the horses that slept in the stables the night before.

The next hour was productive, I collected and filled hay nets to feed the horse and soaked grain in buckets to give them after they finished their hay. Once all of their bellies were full, I guided the horses out of their stalls one by one with the halter and lead set exactly the way Wilde had shown me. I also remembered to pause just before I took them out to reinforce that they were to follow and respect my lead, just like I had seen Wilde do.

I smiled after getting all ten horses out into the paddock and swapping them with the six that had spent the night outside the stables. They were fed before I began sweeping out the stables and re-padding bedding in the empty ones. Moving through the morning stable routine felt so natural, like I’d been doing this all my life.

After I was done, I spent a little time pampering Mosley then went out to the paddock to enjoy a few minutes of watching the horses roam before heading back to the house. Once I climbed onto the railing and planted my feet to steady myself, I startled when I heard a male voice that didn’t belong to the one I had grown accustomed to enjoying over the past few days

“Damn early for you to be out here, Boston.” I turned to find Georgie filling the space beside me. He leaned forward, propping his arms on the railing where I was seated. I arched a brow in his direction, noticing the smug grin on his handsome face, taking in his features—smooth brown skin, thin eyes, nose and lips that filled his almond-shaped face. Beneath his goatee and mustache, I could still recognize his youthfulness. Georgie was young. No more than mid-twenties, if that, which meant he was a lot younger than my thirty-four. Very handsome, but a baby.

“I thought you got warned about calling me Boston.”