Page 35 of Wilde & Shore

“How the hell am I supposed torelaxwhen you almost knocked yourself unconscious,” he growled with his hands placed snugly at the sides of my neck. His handsome face was set in a scowl, while his eyes swept my face. “Hang on, I’m gonna call Doc Hanson…”

“No, you arenot. Seriously, I’m okay. Please don’t call a doctor.”

He narrowed his eyes and exhaled a sigh. “Your head hurts?”

“Not yet.” I grinned and he narrowed his eyes more. “It’s gonna hurt. I hit my head pretty hard, there’s no way of avoiding the headache on the way, but I don’t need a doctor.”

He stared for a moment longer then cursed under his breath, bringing his forehead to mine. “Fuck, I should have thought about that mare, how close she was to you, and how she would react.”

The moment was interrupted by Georgie clearing his throat. We shifted our eyes to him. He walked over and handed over my hat which Wilde snatched from him before I could get my hands on it. He placed it beside me on the hay bale just before Georgie spoke up.

“Bear’s gone. Took off after he heard the gunshots.”

“And the horses.”

“They’re calm again. Scared the shit out of a handful of ’em.” His amused eyes landed on me and when Wilde noticed he glared at Georgie.

“We’re good. You can go now,” Wilde grunted which caused a smile to surface on Georgie’s face. He knew better than to make matters worse and simply tipped his hat and left the stables.

“You didn’t have to be mean. He was just worried,” I stated, just to mess with him.

“He doesn’t need to be concerned about you. That’s my job,” he murmured, his expression still laced with irritation at Georgie’s little crush on me. I grinned, fisted his shirt, and pulled Wilde closer to me.

“You want to be concerned about me, Wilde Reeves?”

“I’ve been concerned about you since I laid eyes on you at the train station, Boston. Hard to change things now, especially after last night.” He grinned and cuffed my face, planting a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth before it clashed with mine where he eased his tongue between my lips. The kiss was slow but demanding, reminding me of the ways his lips and tongue explored me last night.

“I kinda like you being concerned about me.”

“Good because there’s not much you can do about it at this point.” He pulled back and moved his hands down my neck to my shoulders once more like he was still worried that I’d damaged or broken something. “You sure you’re okay?”

I smiled and nodded. “I’m gonna be sore, for sure. Other than that I’m fine. But why was there a bear out here? I thought they hibernated? Is that not a real thing?”

He nodded and stood, extending his hands to help me to my feet. “Most of them are in their winter dens now but occasionally a few roam for food. Evolution’s changing things with the animals too. A few of the bears have been hanging around the stables looking for anything they can get to.”

“Are they dangerous?”

“They can be, but most of the time they mind their business. Their presence freaks the horses out though and an anxious horse is dangerous. Especially with that mare I just brought here. She’s the one who sent you flying off the railing.”

“It’s not her fault. She got spooked.”

He lowered his eyes to me with a soft smile. “I’m not blaming her, but I still don’t like that you got caught up in her being spooked. You shouldn’t have been down here in the first place.”

I shrugged as we left the stables heading to his truck. “You were asleep and there was work to be done.”

“Myranch, mywork. You should have woken me or even better, stayed in bed and let me awaken you in a much more pleasing way.”

“You needed the rest and we had a deal. I’m yours for the week so technicallyourranch, ourwork.”

Something flickered in his eyes before he shut me into the passenger side of his truck but Wilde kept his thoughts to himself.

Maybe I overstepped.

We rode in silence back to the house and as soon as we walked in, I noticed my tree,ourtree, was in a stand, positioned in the corner next to the fireplace. I glanced over my shoulder at Wilde who was already watching me.

“You brought the tree in?”

“When I woke up and realized you weren’t here, I figured you were out there doing my work so I decided I might as well get started on yours.”