Spending last night without Betty felt all wrong, which is extremely clingy of me, I know. I realize we are in the first stage “the honeymoon stage”, if you will, of our relationship but wefeelestablished. Not like some fledgling thing that's fragile and new.

It's crazy how fast being with someone can feel permanent. To me anyway. I could be getting ahead of myself.


Betty and I are for real. I know I can trust her. I just need to find the right time to bring up that we met at mymother'sparty.

I know Betty's not after money. She's the most genuine person I've ever met. I've been looking forward to seeing her all day. I can't seem to help it. I crave her company more every day.

I show up at her place five minutes early with a dozen red roses and she opens the door and grins at me. "Are those for me?" she asks innocently.

"Yes, angel, these are for you." she smiles wide, leans up and kisses me. "Thank you, Gus. They're beautiful." I kiss her again and she grins against my mouth. I follow her inside and close the door behind me. "Let me get these into a vase and we can go," she calls from the kitchen where she's standing on her tiptoes to reach the top shelf in a cabinet.

"Do you need my arms?" I ask her, trying not to sound too amused.

"I can hear the laugh in your voice, you know," she huffs.

I come up behind her so close that my chest is pressed against her back. "Do you need help?" I ask in her ear. I grin with satisfaction when a shiver passes through her.

"Yes please," she says softly, her body leaning back into mine.

She smells like vanilla and cinnamon, warm and delicious. My thoughts turn to devouring the curvaceous goddess before me.

Do I grab the vase sitting just out of her reach, or do I turn her around and kiss her stupid? For a moment, I can't decide.

Remember the movie. We have adate. You are a civilized man.

I swallow down the lust surging through me and reach above her for the vase, setting it on the counter beside her.

"Thank you," she murmurs.

I clear my throat and step back from her, my own breathing a little heavy. "You're welcome." She tends to the roses at the sink while I give myself a stern talking to which mostly consists of me telling myself I will not maul this woman before we can leave for our date.

And I won't.

* * *

The movie is a somewhat predictable romantic comedy. The company, however, is top-notch. Betty's laugh makes me laugh, which leads to uncontrollable giggling on both our parts during an especially humorous scene. It's more fun than I've ever had in a movie theater. When it's over, I tangle my fingers with hers and pull her into my side.

She giggles when I nuzzle her ear through her long hair. "I'm not ready to let you go yet," I tell her as we make our way to the car. I open the door for her and close it behind her. When I join her inside she looks at me expectantly. "Polly's?" I ask.

"Nope, how about you come back to mine. I can make cocoa or coffee..."

I smile at her, wide, "That's a great idea. It's not a school night. I can stay a while, maybe watch another episode of Stranger Things after I catch you up on what you missed the other night."

She giggles. "Excellent."

We walk to her apartment hand in hand and once she unlocks the door she turns to me and says, "Cocoa or coffee?" She stops and tilts her head and says, "Oh, oh, oh, never mind. You're getting both."

I laugh, pulling her back to me and kissing her soundly. "Both?"

"Yes, I'm making a mochaccino-type deal. It'll be delicious, I promise."

"I trust you but isn't that a lot of work?" I ask, keeping her in my arms. She rests her hands on my chest and meets my eyes. "Nope. I have a Keurig and a crock pot and I'm excited about it now."

She's magic and laughter and heat and I could love this woman.

"You're adorable," I say, burying words I know she's not ready to hear yet. "Can I help?"