"I know, I know. Gus is nothing like him. He likes when I eat, he's interested in what I have to say and he asks my opinion. He's a prince among men. I'm just trying not to go all in all at once."

Theo looks at me with sympathy in her eyes and I wave her off. "Don't look like that, I am fine. And if things don't work with Gus, I'll still be fine."

"I didn't say anything."

"Tell your face you didn't say anything."

She raises her arms in surrender. "You know I can't control my face." She grabs another ornament and begins unwrapping it from the bubble wrap. Before either of us can say anything else, my phone rings. I grab it off the table and I grin when I see Gus' name on the display.

"Aww," Theo croons. "You can't control your face either," she says as I throw a pillow at her and pick up the phone.

"Hello Gus," I say, trying not to chirp at him too happily. Theo's laughter turns into a coughing fit and she stifles it in the pillow she caught.

"Hello there, angel. How're you today?" My face flames and I'm glad Theo can't hear from her post on the other side of the tree.

"I'm good. Theo and I are decorating my Christmas tree."

"I won't keep you then. The reason for my call is to ask if you'd accompany me to a movie tomorrow evening."

I giggle at his formal tone. "My falling asleep on you during Stranger Things hasn't discouraged you at all. What're we seeing?"

"It's not your fault, I'm just a wonderful pillow." He laughs softly, "I figure we can pick when we arrive at the theater, that ok with you?"

"Sounds good, what time should I expect you?"

"I'll pick you up at six?"

"I'll see you then."

"Yes, you will. Have fun."

My "Bye," is almost a whisper. I hang up and bite my lip, "He's wonderful," I say, glancing at Theo.

"Your face is bright red, my goodness what did he say to you?" She laughs when I blush harder.

"This nickname he gave me."

Theo drops the pillow and comes over, pushing me gently onto the couch. "What is it? Don't hold out on me now, you know I'm living vicariously through you."

I swallow hard and meet her eyes. "Angel. He calls me angel."

She claps and plops down next to me. "Wow." She sighs dreamily. "Well, I approve so far."

I grin at her and rub my cheeks, trying to dispel the heat still blazing there. "High praise."

"Yeah, well if you could see your face right now, you'd understand."

I hide my face. "I look all goofy don't I... wait don't answer that. I don't want to know."

Theo laughs and bumps her shoulder into mine. "Deep breaths, friend. You can do this." she nods when I look at her. "And if he does hurt you, we'll do something terrible to him. Promise."

I lean my head on her shoulder and she rests her head on mine. "Buddy system for life," I murmur.

"You got that right."


It's date night.