"Yes, you can help. You can sit at the island and talk to me while I work."

"That sounds more like staying out of your way."

She giggles and I drink in the sound of her happiness. Rather than go where she bid me, I keep my arms around her, let my nose drag along the side of her neck. "I don't want to go where I can't touch you right now. Is that ok?"

Her breath catches and she meets my eyes and nods as she nibbles on her lower lip. I want that lip in my mouth. It's like she knows, or maybe she's also feeling the chemistry that's been simmering between us all night. Her hand slides around my neck, her fingers playing in my hair and then she offers up her mouth like a gift.

And I take it.

Betty's mouth is a dream and I take my time exploring every inch. We've kissed a few times but never like this before. She moves even closer and kisses me back in kind. I press her back against the nearest wall and she whimpers my name. It goes straight to my head. I want her now.

But is she ready for that step? Are we moving too fast? Do I really care?

I pull back from her to look into her face and find her big brown eyes dazed, the pupils blown wide. Rather than go for her mouth again, I make myself speak.

"Am I going too fast?" I ask, cradling her face in my hands.

She pulls in a breath and licks her lips. "No, I don't think so." She bites her lip again, dragging my mind further into the gutter. "I want you," she says soft but sure.

Thank fuck.


DidI really just tell Gus that I want him?

I think I did. I did and I'm okay with it.

I mean it.

He can tell I mean it if the heat in his eyes is any indication. I'm sandwiched between his body and the kitchen wall with his big hands cradling my face. My knees are shaky and all we've done is kiss. I've never been this affected by kissing a man before.

Gus and I have something special. I can trust him.

"You can take it back," he says, his thumbs stroking my cheeks. "I don't want to rush you because I can't keep my hands off you."

"I don't want to take it back," I say and nudge his nose with mine. "I want to be with you."

His answering smile sends butterflies swooping around low in my belly. His mouth comes down on mine again, heat rushes in and chases away any lingering worry about getting naked in front of him.

He thinks I'm beautiful. I don't have to worry about being graded or measured... not like with Tony.

Yes, my ex would bring out the tape measure and ask if I was sticking to my diet.

One of the many reasons he's an ex.

Gus' mouth moves over my jaw, his beard tickling my skin and pulling me out of my thoughts and I ask, "Follow me?" Before he can answer I duck out of his arms and take a few steps away from him, crooking my finger. "Bedroom is this way."

He grins wolfishly and starts after me and I bite my lip as I walk backward away from him. "Am I supposed to chase you because I have to tell you that works for me." His voice is gruff but laced with humor.

I laugh, holding in a shiver and moving just out of his reach when he lunges toward me. When he grabs for me again, I squeak and skip away. He chuckles and comes after me and I take off for my bedroom at a run. (Yes, a run, his legs are a lot longer than mine.) I skid into the room half a second before Gus and he takes me in his arms and kisses me through our laughter.

His hands settle on my hips, his mouth hungry on mine as he backs me up toward the bed. I slide my hands under his shirt and he groans into my mouth when my fingers touch his bare skin. Impatient now, I tug on his shirt and he nips at my lips. "What's wrong, angel? You want this off?"

"Now, please," I say, holding his eyes while I finger the hem of my shirt.

"Your wish is my command," he says, obliging me immediately, his long sleeve tee sailing across the room to land in a blue heap on the floor. I kiss him, pressing as close to him as I can get and he surprises me by breaking the kiss.

"Hey, I was kissing you," I whine and he grins down at me.