Page 63 of Secrets and Kisses

I didn’t always remember it, but when I wasn’t too mixed up inside, it felt logical. Daddy wanted to be a Daddy. Kenzie liked playing and no one in the whole town seemed to think wanting a Daddy was weird.

Probably because they were all so weird too.

Daddy was probably thinking the same thing because he seemed to chuckle. “Yeah, you’re thinking they’re weird too. It’s just so obvious. I can’t be embarrassed when I’m still the most boring person in town.”

His subtle nod said he agreed with me on that one.

“Don’t worry, you’re boring too. Not like everyone else.” I didn’t realize how that sounded until his body shook again. “Sorry, but you know what I meant. It’s good in this case.”

Very good.

I couldn’t have fallen for a crazy dragon…I liked my calm one.

Daddy vibrated and the soothing feeling had me letting out a slow breath and relaxing into him again. Between Daddy’s warmth and the sun beaming down on us, it felt like the perfect, most relaxing day ever.

“But if I’m not a big little like Kenzie and I like the littler little stuff, then I know I’ve got other things to think about.” Daddy made another vibrating hum that felt like approval and made everything easier. “Stuff from the limits list. I was doing that. It’s on the kitchen table. I had to print it out for you.”

Writing was much nicer than typing.

The image of a pencil and paper popped into my head and I had to smile. “I like paper more than a computer screen. I like touching it. If I didn’t work at the library, I’d probably have a thousand books.”

My mind brought up the Beast’s library fromBeauty and the Beastand I had to chuckle. “I’d live in a big castle like the Beast and have a ladder to reach the tall books. But I’d be Beauty in the castle and you could be the Beast that rescued me. That would be a much better story.”

Low laughter seemed to roll through my head and I knew that would be what Daddy’s dragon laughing would sound like.

“I’d be a cute Beauty, but I’d be scared that I wouldn’t want to tell the Beast that I wanted to be taken care of and try things like the diapers.” No, that would make Beauty nervous. “Kenzie would be able to tell the Beast what Beauty wanted. He’d tell everyone what Beauty wanted.”

Daddy the dragon’s body shook in silent laughter.

“Yes, he’d be one of the magic people. Maybe someone like that candle guy? Kenzie just wouldn’t seduce the feather duster.” No, Kenzie had better manners than that.

“Kenzie would be bugging Beauty to tell Beast what he wanted, but Beauty wouldn’t know how to do that. He never thought about being a Daddy’s special baby boy until Beast showed up.” Beast showing up changed everything for Beauty…but he liked that.

Letting out another deep breath, I snuggled a pillow closer and felt even more warmth come from Daddy. “I…I’d be nervous, but I think that’s okay.”


Yes, Daddy would think that was okay…because Daddy was smart and snuggly and warm.

“But Beauty would have to talk to Beast about how to do it. Kenzie and Lorne and Alick said I could ask them questions but that sounded scary.” Talking to Daddy about things would be much easier than opening up to anyone else.

No one else needed to know about diapers and bottles and things like that.

But Daddy…I had Daddy and he would…

Daddy was so warm.

And he would make everything fine and it would be just us…we’d be good and he’d be…I’d be his little boy.

I’d get my bottle and my binkie and Daddy would read me books.

“Yes…Daddy, I’ll…we can…”

Yes, I’d tell him in just a moment…once cuddling wasn’t so wonderful.

Chapter 18
