Page 62 of Secrets and Kisses

He chuckled, kissing my forehead. “Yes, cuddle time.”

Thank goodness.

Yes, there were some things worse than embarrassing questions.


And I held that thought tight as we walked through the house, grabbing pillows and a big blanket to sit on.

In fact, it was such a good thought I didn’t start to get nervous again until Boyd had laid my stuff down and started taking off his clothes. That was when I found where my nerves had been hiding. They sometimes wandered off but they always came back.

As I did my best not to blush and ignored Boyd’s snicker, I arranged my pillows a dozen different ways until he took pity on me and shifted. He was so sexy and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to see him naked and just see it as something boring.

Boyd was never boring.

Scales not skin.

Thank goodness.

“Okay, Daddy, you first.” I waved toward my blankets and pillows as I swore he grinned. “I don’t want to be accidentally squished.”

If he isn’t laughing at me, I’ll eat my favorite library book.

“Don’t snicker. You’re really big.” How he didn’t realize that made me question his smarts. “Dragons should not roll their eyes.”

Had he laughed at me again?

It almost felt like an echo in my head, but I hadn’t laughed first.

“You’re too beautiful and too majestic.” Oh, that made Daddy preen as he curled around my blankets and made the perfect space for me.


Oh yes, it was a nest.

“It’s more like a nest, Daddy.” Why hadn’t I thought of that before? “Okay, no wiggling.”

I’d have sworn he huffed, but he was so still I knew I’d imagined it.

“You’re very warm, Daddy.” Propping up pillows against his belly, I made my nest between his limbs and curled up in the perfect fort. “You know, if we put a big sheet over you, you’d be a dragon fort.”

His body felt like he was carefully laughing, but in my head, it was almost like I could hear him groan. Knowing I’d imagined it because of how Kenzie would react, I couldn’t help teasing him as I snuggled against him. “Kenzie would love a dragon fort. We’d just have to find a really big sheet.”

Now the funny dragon let out a long puff and I knew it was his sigh, just in a different form.

“But I could be bribed not to tell him about my wonderful idea with the right presents.” As I probably looked slightly greedy, Daddy curled his head around and rested it carefully on my lap. He was heavy like a weighted blanket, making me feel safe and cozy. “I like chocolates and books and stickers and bookmarks and popcorn and…and so much more stuff.”

Daddy nodded his head slowly, his lips turning up at the edges in a dragon grin. “You’re so cute like this, Daddy.”

He huffed again, but he just closed his eyes when I started petting his head, so I knew he wasn’t really frustrated. “And I know it’s you because…well, it’s you, but for some reason this is very nice.”

Warmth flooded through me and I found myself closing my eyes as I ran my hand over his head. “I’ve been reading books about littles for a while, and Kenzie’s always talking about stuff. Well, you know that.”

Kenzie liked to share what he was thinking…and doing.

“I know my little side isn’t like Kenzie’s.” That was obvious. “But I liked it when you read to me and when I had my binkie. I liked not having to talk and getting a bottle. You liked that too and Kenzie thinks it’s perfectly reasonable, so I don’t have to worry about liking it.”

Knowing I didn’t have to be embarrassed was helpful.