Page 64 of Secrets and Kisses

Sleeping Beauty took on a whole new image in my head as I watched Stefan nap in the pillow nest he’d created for himself. His fascinating story about a reimaginedBeauty and the Beasthad been a colorful, mixed-up way to let me know he was ready to step deeper into exploring the more intimate side of age play.

“Such a sweet boy.” Sitting down beside him, I ran my hand over his head as he finally started to stir. “My sweet boy.”

It’d been a short nap, just long enough for me to get a few things ready inside and to read through his limits list and all the adorable comments and questions he’d left in the margins.

I’d have to remember his love of paper for future lists and questions, but for the time being, it was the way he seemed to hear my thoughts that was keeping me preoccupied. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure and some of it could’ve just been because we’d been thinking similar things, but I couldn’t explain it all away.

Before I could figure out how I would explain it to Stefan, though, he snuggled closer to me and his eyes peeked open. “You’re you again.”

His sleepy, bewildered tone made me chuckle. “Yes, I’m me again.”

I kept up the slow strokes over his head and bent over to give it a kiss. “Can’t nap all afternoon, sleepyhead. We’ve got books to read and lots of cuddling to do.”

A sweet, slightly embarrassed smile peeked out before he hid his face against my thigh. “Really?”

“Really.” Trying not to laugh, I tickled the back of his neck and loved the way he squirmed. “And if you think you’ve been good enough, I have presents for you.”

Going very still, Stefan’s fingers barely caressed my thigh. “Little presents?”

“Yes.” He’d loved his lunch earlier and the brownie I’d brought him, but these weren’t a lunch kind of surprise. “Do you want to go inside and see them?”

His muscles relaxed, but it took him a few seconds to think before he nodded. “But…but can I have a binkie first? Do you have my binkie?”

“I’m your Daddy. Of course I have your binkie.” I’d packed a diaper bag for him after our first date and it’d been in the back of my car ever since. “And I brought books too.”

I could feel his curiosity spark as he wiggled and turned over so he could peek up at me. “That’s not my surprise?”

Shaking my head only seemed to make him more fascinated by the surprise. “What else did you bring me?”

Chuckling, I glared at him, earning a giggle. “That’s not how surprises work.”

He didn’t agree with me, but he did sit up and wiggle closer until he was nearly on my lap. “I was a good boy. Kenzie says good boys get rewards.”

Rolling my eyes got another happy sound from him. “And I was brave because I didn’t worry earlier. I even filled out my list. Did you see?”

He’d already made it clear I was supposed to see it, so I nodded and wasn’t worried about prying. “Yes, thank you for being so clear. You’re right. All that being good deserves a reward.”

And if getting a surprise made his little side start to peek out, well, that was another bonus.

“Where is it?” He looked around the backyard like a present should magically appear in front of him.

“Inside.” Giving his nose a kiss, I raised one eyebrow as I sat up. “Do you want to go see it?”

“Yes.” He sat up, immediately starting to gather his pillows. “I like presents.”

How could he not see his little side?

Sure, it was more subtle than Kenzie’s and tended to come out the most when he had his binkie, but that wasn’t the only time he was adorably little.

“I like giving you presents.” Standing up, I helped him carry the rest of his stuff inside, loving the way he searched every surface until we got to the living room.

“Oh, it’s big and it’s wrapped.” His excitement over the bag made it clear that while being wrapped in some way wasn’t a necessity, it was appreciated. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome.” Taking the pillows from him, I nodded toward the coffee table. “Why don’t you go sit down.”

Nodding excitedly, he took a deep breath. “I can be patient.”

No, he couldn’t.