Page 40 of Secrets and Kisses

Before I could figure out what to say, he kissed my head again and I got a big hug. “How about a snack? Kenzie dropped off a cake yesterday because he said he thought I would need something special.”

That made me laugh. “Is he psychic?”

Daddy snorted. “No, I think the sheriff’s office is entirely too close to the library. They’re just as nosy as everyone else in town.”

He was probably right.

And since cake was easier to think about than what we’d been doing, I was voting for snack time.

“What kind did he make?” I liked dessert, but I wasn’t sure what Kenzie would’ve thought to make for us.

Daddy’s problems with the yucky cookies stuck out in my head and I wasn’t sure if we should be worried.

Kenzie liked me, right?

“He said a little birdy at the diner told him you were always buying chocolate cake.” Daddy chuckled as I blushed. “Yep, the birdy was right. That’s definitely a chocolate cake smile.”

He was so silly.

“Who told on me?” They were all so nosy, but if I hid my nose in my book and stayed very quiet in the corner, the old men would forget about me and gossip. “I didn’t think they were paying that much attention to me.”

It wouldn’t have been Miss Nancy.

She was too cranky to gossip, so it had to be one of the old men.

“I cannotreveal my sources.” I pouted before I realized what I’d done, but he didn’t laugh. He sighed and shook his head. “No, not even for cute pouts. It’s part of the Daddy code. A Daddy cannot reveal confidential sources.”

“Not even for the biggest piece of cake? I’ll share.” I was very generous. “Kenzie made it for me.”

Daddy scoffed, making me fight off laughter. “But I’m the one who’s allowed to cut, so let’s reevaluate that.”

He was still feeling very Daddy.

“But if I smile and ask my Daddy nicely, he’ll give me the biggest piece. I heard Kenzie say so.” And Kenzie always seemed to be right.

Yep, Daddy’s groan said that was accurate information too.

I was definitely going to have to be brave enough to say yes when they asked me to do something next time.

There would definitely be a next time if Kenzie was giving Daddy cake to make me happy.

“I’m going to have to muzzle that dragon.” Daddy’s grumble was so cute I had to hide against him as he sighed. “You’re learning all kinds of terrible things from him.”

And fun things, Daddy couldn’t forget that part.

“But Kenzie’s books are helpful.” That made Daddy grumble too.

“We’re not telling him that.” For some reason, Daddy thought that was a very logical order, but I decided I didn’t have to follow it because we hadn’t talked about limits yet.

The books said that limits lists came before orders, so I couldn’t get punished either.

Books were very helpful.

“We’ll just tell him we liked his cake?” Yep, that wouldn’t be telling him how helpful he was. “But that means we have to try it first.”

Daddy’s chuckle said he agreed with me.

Cake time.