Page 41 of Secrets and Kisses

Then I’d have a reason to talk to Kenzie later as long as I didn’t panic. But I could keep my worries under control for research. Kenzie was the local expert on being little and being kinky, so I just had to get over my nerves.

And the first step was cake.

Chapter 12


“If I leave you here, you have to promise not to worry or have an existential crisis.” As I glared at him, Stefan couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or roll his eyes, but after he’d woken up from his nap, it’d taken him a while to stop overthinking little time.

Cake had definitely helped…but there’d still been overthinking.

“I’m not sure that’s reasonable.” He settled on standing straighter and trying to look confident as he glared back.

It was adorable.

“I get to decide when to panic, thank you very much, and you can’t leave yet. We’re not done.” His stern look slipped a bit as he tried to take a subtle deep breath, but he wasn’t backing down. “I was told I could kiss you if I was good and took lots of notes.”

He was even more slippery than Kenzie.

“That’s not how that conversation went.” Folding my arms over my chest, I glared at him. “You ignored me, so that was the consequence of your actions.”

He mirrored my arms and shook his head. “No, that was my reward for thinking about you and focusing all my energy on understanding all the parts about you. Don’t forget. I didn’t even freak out that you’re a dragon.”

Stefan might’ve had a point there…just a small one.

“If you’re being rewarded for being good, I should be the one to kiss you.” I wasn’t admitting he’d been good, though. “And I’m pretty sure you were only relaxed about the dragon part because you thought we were something weirder.”

He flashed me a grin and nearly giggled before he got his delight under control. “That’s not the point.”

Pretty sure it was.

“Expecting worse and getting something fun does not make you brave enough to claim reward kisses.” The whole conversation was ridiculous but at least he wasn’t nibbling on his lip and looking like the weight of the kink world was resting on his shoulders.

“Yes, it does.” He squared his shoulders again. “You had a body the size of a large SUV and your wingspan has to be at least twice that. You also have very large teeth. Did you know that? I’m pretty sure one big bite and I’d be a goner. Yes, I was terribly frightened and very brave and I made lots of notes. See? I deserve my reward.”

This conversation had gone completely off the rails, but I couldn’t back down now.

“You understood what I was communicating. I stayed very still. And you would’ve gotten out a measuring tape if you’d thought of it, so that’s not fear.” The best part of the whole nonsense was his eyes going wide with the tape measure comment.

“I should’ve thought of that.” The fact that he was serious had me fighting the urge to smile and shake my head. “Next time. Yes. I have one around here.”

When he realized how off track he’d gotten, he huffed and went back to mirroring my stance. “That’s not what we’re discussing, though. I get to kiss you and that’s final.”


“Fine.” Leaning in, I puckered my lips just to see what he would do.

“No.” It seemed that Stefan had found some of his gumption because he huffed and glared more firmly. “That’s not what I want. You said I could kiss you but you didn’t say where.”

Oh, we’d taken an interesting turn somewhere in the conversation, but I did my best to keep my delight under wraps as I straightened and glared. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re taking liberties here, naughty boy.”

There was no way to hide the shiver that raced through him, but he did his best to pretend he was still frustrated with me. “You should’ve made your intentions clearer. That’s not my fault. I was even taking notes. There were no qualifiers given.”

Technically, he was right.

And he probably had been taking notes based on how tightly he was holding onto his little notebook.

“The qualifiers were understood.” I’d assumed we’d be keeping things on the more innocent side of the relationship spectrum, so it hadn’t occurred to me to make explicit qualifiers.