Page 39 of Secrets and Kisses

I could do gimme fingers.

As Daddy took a breath and paused our adventure, I reached out and wiggled my fingers. He was so smart. He knew what I wanted right away. “I think my cuddle bug is thirsty.”

Giggling, I nodded and pulled my hand back to pet his chest and that made him laugh. “Good Daddy, huh?”

He chuckled and kissed my head. “Alright, quick break time.”

Daddy put the new bookmark in to hold our place and then picked up my bottle. “It’s been a while since you had anything to drink. You’re such a good boy for making sure I knew you were thirsty.”

I’d made Daddy happy.

All of me liked that, even though he wasn’t very hard to please. But I liked that too. Smiles and binkies and cuddles all made him very happy.

No one told me that about Daddies.

I hadn’t even overheard Kenzie talk about it.

“Trade time.” Daddy used a finger to tug my binkie out, but I still didn’t need words because he gave me my bottle so fast, I forgot to worry. “There we go. Such a good boy and so cute.”

Daddy was right.

He did like it when I had my bottle too. He liked my binkie. He liked reading to me. He liked rocking the chair back and forth. He liked cuddling me and kissing my head.

“You’re such a good snuggle bug.” He liked silly nicknames too. “This is a wonderful way to spend time with you. Reading and cuddling. You’re such a good boy for trying the things I like.”

Daddy had a good list of liking stuff.

He was just like the Daddies in the books Kenzie liked. He’d even talked about diapers. He probably even had toys for me too.

I was going to get lots of presents.

“You’ve been so brave today. You petted my dragon form, and you showed me the books you liked and talked to me about all kinds of things.” Daddy was the best because lots of people said I was boring when I rambled. “You even curled up with me and tried your binkie while I read to you.”

Daddy chuckled as I wiggled my bear and started rubbing the blankety part between my fingers again as I sucked down my water. “Oh yes, I can’t forget the way you liked the presents I bought just for you.”

He kissed my forehead, making my eyes heavy like magic, and he even made sucking on the bottle harder. Magic. “You were so brave. I’ve been very impressed with how well you’ve handled everything, and I’m so glad you weren’t scared of me.”

His dragon side or his Daddy side?

They weren’t scary, but they were kind of big.

Kenzie would probably agree that I’d been very brave.

But Daddy had been brave too because he’d told me about dragons and stuff and he’d told me about him being a Daddy. That was almost as hard as talking about dragon stuff. So I patted his chest before snuggling my bear tighter again.

Daddy made a happy sound and nuzzled my head. “Daddy wasn’t scared? Daddy was brave too?”

I nodded a tiny bit as I sucked on my water, glad I didn’t have to talk. He even gave me another kiss even though I hadn’t said any words. “Thank you, sweet boy.”

Daddy thought I was brave and sweet and he gave me good water. He even rocked so nice and had Daddy magic that made everything heavy. But my water was good, and I liked my cuddles, so I didn’t let my eyelids close.

I was going to have fun cuddling and Daddy was going to read to me more…right after…right after I finished my water.


Then I woke up.

Daddy chuckled and the rocking stopped as I realized where I was. “You had a good nap.”