“Yes. If my suggestion doesn’t suit you, then what would you suggest as a compromise?”
“I already told you, compromise is not on the table here.”
“You don’t want to take this to court any more than I do. That would take too much time out of your tennis schedule.”
I huffed. “I don’t want to take it to court, but the only way I’m going to get my wish is if your client agrees to meet my client’s demands.”
“Tell me the truth. If my client was represented by anybody else, would you hold the line this hard?”
He narrowed his eyes, studying me, and I let myself truly consider the question. “If it was anyone else, I would have never agreed to dinner. I would have never agreed to leave the club last night. If it was anyone else, I’d simply state my demands and refuse contact unless it was court mandated.”
“And you say I am an asshole.”
“You’re an asshole in your personal life. I’m an asshole professionally. That’s what this job is about.”
“Yeah, fucking tell me about it.” He picked up his drink and downed the rest of it in one go.
“I think it’s time for me to leave.”
“We haven’t ordered dinner yet.”
“This meeting has gone on long enough. Anything else you have to say to me can be sent to me in writing.” I pushed back my chair and tossed my napkin on the table, hating that my hands were shaking. I wasn’t even sure I could identify the emotions I was feeling as I practically ran from the restaurant.
“Ford, wait!” he called, but I didn’t stop. I kept moving. I needed to get out of there. I hoped he thought it was because I was angry or an ice princess or anything other than the fact that I had to get out of there before I gave in, or worse, started to believe his act was real.
Iwasn’t going to let the night end this way. I needed a win on something. I pulled out my wallet, tossed some bills on the table to cover what we ordered, and went after Ford. When I stepped onto the sidewalk, I looked around for him. Finally, I saw him walking toward the closest intersection.
I caught up to him just before he could cross at the light. When I grabbed his arm, he turned, ready to punch me. I blocked him, and he pushed me away.
“I told you I was done.”
“Well, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. I’ll see you in court.” He jerked free of my hold, the light turned in his favor, and he rushed across the street. I stood there, staring after him, tears stinging the back of my eyes.
I was falling apart. Had I finally pushed myself so hard I was having a fucking nervous breakdown? That was the only thing that could explain it, because if I was in my right mind I wouldn’t be standing here nearly crying over a man who was running from me. I could pretend I was upset because this situation could fuck up my career, but I knew that wasn’t the issue.
I turned and started walking in the opposite direction, not even sure where I was headed. At least it was New York, so only a few tourists bothered to stop and stare as I’d argued with Ford.
I wandered until I was exhausted, then managed to drag myself home. All I did before I went to bed was talk to Emily. I couldn’t make myself give a fuck about casework.
The next morning, I was getting ready for work on autopilot when my phone rang. Stupidly, I grabbed it, thinking it might be Ford. It was Emily. She would be leaving in a few hours.
“Hey, how are you?”
“I don’t want to go home. Not with Gran so sick.” That answered my question about whether Gran had improved yesterday. This week just kept getting worse. I scrubbed a hand over my face, knowing I had to get myself together for Gran and Emily.
“I know. I don’t want you to leave either. How was she when you left last night?”
“Still weak, and only staying awake for a few minutes at a time. I know you’re supposed to be working, but I was hoping you could visit with me this morning so I can see her one more time before I have to go home.”
I didn’t hesitate. “I’ll be there as quickly as I can.”