I almost contradicted him and said I was ready, but I hadn’t actually looked at the menu, and it had been a while since I’d been to Pasta. I supposed it wouldn’t kill me to delay a little longer.
I reached for a piece of calamari. When I looked up, Jay was watching me. He held my gaze until I raised my brows. That made him looked down. It was the first time I’d ever won a challenge between us. Why did that feel so significant?
We ate in silence for a little while, then he said my name in a soft voice. If he was someone else, I would have sworn his tone was filled with longing. It was just the way I would want him to say my name in bed. I looked up at him and glared. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” he asked, giving me his most innocent face.
“Try to make this about seduction. You had your chance with me, and you made it very clear how you felt. You’re not interested in men. I’m here with you to do business and nothing else.”
“But last night….” His words trailed off. I wanted to know what he had been about to say, but I didn’t dare ask. I was already too close to falling under his spell, despite knowing exactly what he was trying to do.
Maybe I should talk to Miles and see if there was any way he would compromise. I needed this suit to end quickly, but Miles was never going to agree to give up the warehouse, not when he knew what was at stake. His idea of a compromise was to ignore the law, and the last thing we needed was him leaving behind a trail of bodies. I had no sympathy for the men who wanted to keep possession of the warehouse. Only a fool would mourn them if Miles had them taken out, but the more times Miles solved his problems the illegal way, the more likely he was to get caught.
I met Jay’s gaze again. “Last night was a mistake.”
He reached out and placed his hand over mine. A jolt of electricity ran up my arm. His skin was warm, soft. I wanted to grab hold of his wrist, jerk him across the table, and kiss him. What would he do if I indulged myself right there in the middle of the restaurant? Would he freak out? Would we end up the subject of the next day’s society gossip?
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Ford, would you just listen to me?”
“I can listen to you talk about the case, but that’s all. Stop acting like there’s something going on here when you just want to win.”
“Maybe we can figure out a way for us both to win.” He’d dropped his voice into those low, sensual tones again.
“Are you suggesting that if I convince Miles to accept your compromise, you will sleep with me and that will be my prize?”
Jay’s eyes widened. “No, that’s not what I meant.”
“So, even for the chance to have this win, you wouldn’t dare sleep with a man, is that it?”
Jay snarled. “You’re making this impossible. If I want you, I’m manipulating you. If I don’t want you, I’m being an asshole. What do you want?”
“I want us to behave as professionals who don’t know each other. Treat me like you would any other opposing counsel.”
“You aren’t any other opposing counsel. And this isn’t any other lawsuit. Your client is your friend. And I….”
Had he been about to mention the promotion? Did he think he could play on my emotions like that? Would it work if he did?
“I’m offering a reasonable compromise.”
“My client doesn’t really believe in reasonable.”
Jay laughed. “That sure seems to be the case.”
“We’re going to win this case. The law is behind us.”
“You’re so fucking sure of that.” The bitterness I was used to was back in his tone.
“Have you got something to rattle my confidence?”
“I’m going to find something.”
I shook my head. “I shouldn’t be here.”
The smile left Jay’s face. “We’re having a meeting about our clients.”
“Are we?”