Gran’s condition hadn’t changed overnight. I guess I could at least be glad she wasn’t any worse. When it was time for Emily to leave, I considered staying with Gran and letting the office know I wouldn’t be in today, but the nurse said it was best to just let her rest and come back later.

As I waited with Emily for her ride to the airport, she took my hand and squeezed it. “Why don’t you call him?”


She glared at me. “You know who.”

“Ford? I doubt he’d even answer after last night.”

“What did you do to him?”

“Me? I didn’t—”

She raised her brows. “I’m sure you didn’t do what I said.”

“I told you, we’re both working the same lawsuit.”

“Jay, I want you to enjoy your life, whatever that means for you. I’m sure Gran would say the same.”

“Ford only makes my life more difficult.”

“That may or may not be true, but what about your job? I know you’re not happy, and it’s not just this lawsuit.”

She was right, but I had no idea what to do to change anything. “I’ll be all right. Don’t worry about me.”

“I always worry about you.” Her car arrived a moment later. I hugged her tight before opening the door for her.

“Call me tonight.”

“I will.” The last thing I wanted to do after she drove away was go to work, but I didn’t have a choice.

Once I sorted through my email and checked on the other cases on my roster, I messaged Ford.

Did you reconsider my proposal from last night?

Half an hour passed before I received an answer.

My client is not interested.

Do you have a counteroffer?


I nearly threw my phone across the room. Fuck Ford and Miles and the whole fucking situation.

I wanted to go tell my boss I quit and leave this fucking office for good, but no matter what she said, Emily needed me. I also needed to pay for Gran’s care, and I still had fucking loan debt from law school. Beyond all that, I needed to know I was secure, that nothing was going to happen to leave me struggling the way my dad had struggled while I was growing up.

I’d thought the day couldn’t get any worse, but it turned out I was wrong. My phone rang as I sat there staring at the case file, willing myself to come up with a miracle. I answered it, even though I didn’t recognize the number. “This is Jasper Rollins.”

“Mr. Rollins, I’m calling to make sure you understand how vital it is that your client wins against Miles Montgomery.”

“Who is this?”

“An interested party.”

“I can’t discuss the case with anyone but my client.”

“Your client works for me, though she might not admit it. Things are going to be very rough for her if she loses, just like they will be for you.”